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Throat infection is an annoying condition that causes pain and inflammation. Although in most cases, it passes after a few days with the necessary care, it may be required to consult the best throat doctor for treatment. Do you know the types of throat infections, their symptoms and their remedies? They explain in detail what causes this condition and how to treat it depending on the case.

What are the types of throat infection?
When they talk about an infection in this area, it is important to distinguish its origin since each case's symptoms and treatment vary. In addition, knowing its origin will help you choose the right product to treat discomfort. The types of throat infections are:

. Viral throat infections
Viruses are the main cause of throat infections in adults. Between 85% and viral infections cause 90% of sore throats, so administering an antibiotic will not serve to end the problem since this type of medicine only fights bacteria and not viruses. The most common colds and flu, or less frequent conditions such as viral pharyngitis, laryngitis or tonsillitis, may be responsible for this ailment.

. Bacterial throat infections
The pain and inflammation of the throat can also be due to the presence of some bacteria, as is the case with streptococcus infections. In these cases, the Sore Throat Treatment should consist of antibiotics specifically prescribed by a doctor. Taking antibiotics without a medical prescription can cause resistance to treatment or lead to reinfections if it is not accepted for the time indicated by the specialist, so you should go to the doctor in these cases.

Symptoms of a throat infection
A sore throat can be caused by a virus or by bacteria. The symptoms of a sore throat also change depending on the agent that causes it. It is important to keep an eye on how the symptoms evolve because although most infections pass after a few days, certain signs indicate that it is important to go to the doctor for a check-up, especially if the symptoms do not subside after 3 days.

.  Symptoms of a viral throat infection
In the face of a viral throat infection, several of these signs may occur:
. Sore throat, headache and earache may also occur
. General malaise and joint pain
. Cough and nasal congestion
. Difficulty breathing
. Fever
In this case, antibiotic treatments are ineffective, so you are not recommended to administer any antibiotics unless your doctor indicates it.

  • Symptoms of a bacterial throat infection
    These types of infections require prescription medical treatment, so if you have several of these symptoms, you should see a doctor:
    . Throat pain
    . Imflammed amygdals
    . Difficulty to swallow
    . High fever
    . Presence of patches of pus in the throat
    . Yellow or greenish discharge

Throat infection: treatment
The Throat Infection Treatment will depend on its origin. Bacterial infections must be treated with antibiotics prescribed by the doctor, which must be taken according to the specialist's instructions for as long as he considers necessary. Remember that stopping treatment could cause the infection to return since it is not fully treated.

Only a doctor can tell you the right antibiotic for your case. In the case of viral infections usually subside after a few days, but to reduce the pain and discomfort associated, you can take a local anaesthetic. 

Tips to keep throat infection from getting worse
Taking care of our throat is important to prevent pain and inflammation from increasing, causing even more discomfort. It is recommended that you follow these tips:

. Keep your throat moist.It is important to drink plenty of water, as this helps keep your throat moist, reducing the pain sensation and facilitating the expulsion of phlegm you have mucus in your throat.

.Watch what you eat
Taking care of your diet is very important when you have an infection and a sore throat. That is why sore throat doctor recommends removing foods that can increase pain from your diet and eating soft foods that you can swallow without discomfort. Sore Throat Doctor Near Me gives you recommendations for adjusting your diet while you have a sore throat.

. Avoid environments that can irritate your throat.
Places with little ventilation, with a lot of smoke or pollution, can increase irritation, dryness and discomfort in the throat, so it is best to avoid them while you have pain.

. Protect your throat properly
If it is cold, it is recommended that you protect your throat with a scarf or turtleneck. In addition, it is advisable to moderate heating and air conditioning, as they dry out the throat, aggravating the discomfort.


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