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The importance of fitness and meditation can be learned at an early stage and is best included in the school curriculum. The increasingly fast-paced lifestyle and lack of time crate stress and which can lead to many disorders. Most of the schools in Greater Noida, like DWPS, are now having Yoga and sports as a part of the compulsory curriculum. It is very beneficial for both the physical and mental health of kids. As per many researches importance and benefits of schools boost the kid's energy level as can relaxation and wellness.

Benefits of Yoga and sports classes in schools

Yoga and sports are highly recommended for students at school as they sit at a desk for hours. Parents also check for Yoga and sport the school offers during School Admission Procedure before enrolling their child. Yoga and sports is the only way to control and regulate the life of students; however, there are benefits of these classes for students:

  1. Decrease stress and anxiety

Yoga and sports can soothe and calm the mind and help reduce stress and anxiety in students. Top Noida CBSE School stress to make a regular practice of Yoga also allows them to enhance their academic performances.

  1. Increase memory and attention span.

Yoga and sports classes effectively improve students' attention span, and also regular meditation improves inattentiveness, hyperactivity, and impulsivity can be controlled.

  1. Effectively in controlling teenage obesity

Yoga and sports in schools help kids to control obesity as well. Nowadays, children have a very sedentary life and consume unhealthy food, adversely affecting their health. Yoga and sports activities can help them counter teenage obesity and inactive life and help them to head healthy and energetic life as well.

  1. Improves flexibility, posture, and balance

School kids with sedentary lifestyles can have many combinations because they sit for hours to study. Sports and yoga classes can help them effectively in correcting their postures, and also enhance flexibility and improve balance which makes balance to their whole body.

  1. Attain peace of mind.

Best Noida CBSE school offers sports and yoga classes to students because they understand that students need to balance academics and co-curricular activities along with their school and social life. Students have to manage and balance many fronts, which can be possible with these activities.  

  1. Self-control

 These activities also teach students self-control and help control their breathing and movements. The time students learn the tracks of holding their breath and movements that the time students learn how to manage their breath and movements they can easily keep their anger in check and also make rational decisions when required.

  1. Decrease absenteeism in school.

Regular yoga practice and indulging in sports activities help students attain tranquillity and good health, which motivates them to attend school regularly. Schools in Greater Noida offer sports and yoga classes to students as it allows them to develop inner self-restraint and refrain from picking up petty issues.

  1. Increase self-confidence and self-esteem.

Yoga and sports classes in schools help students inculcate strength, confidence, endurance, and a great mind-body-soul connection. Students' confidence after these captivates is then carried into the real world, making them strong, compassionate, and acceptable.

Yoga and sports in schools benefit students as they help teach students values, disciplines, and good health. Thus Yoga is now a part of everyday school life at Delhi World Public School, the best Noida CBSE school where sports is an integral part of its curriculum. The school offers many student sports activities, including Yoga, cricket, football, badminton, carom, chess, skating, swimming, table tennis, and Yoga. DWPS, as a part of its holistic education policy, offers competitive-level sports facilities for its pupils that ensure that the youthful energy plus resourceful potential of children is meritoriously channelized. Also, the basic asanas are taught in Junior and Senior Schools, where Yoga is a regular activity that offers many benefits to them.