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From food to ancient medicine and skin care ingredients, turmeric plays an important role in our well-being. This close relative to ginger is packed with diverse benefits that keep our inner and outer health intact. Turmeric is a staple spice in Indian cuisine, widely used throughout the Indian continent. And so, many Indian households prefer to buy and store wholesale turmeric powder for an entire year.

This seems a logical idea; after all, turmeric will be a prominent spice to tint flavourful dishes and, at times, a home doctor to cure various ailments. Moreover, as a known fact, turmeric is a revered medicine in ancient Chinese medication practices and Ayurvedic tradition. And modern medical science is aware of turmeric's healing properties. But here, we will discuss some of the well-known and less-known benefits turmeric powder provides to our skin.

Top Skin Benefits of using Turmeric Powder 

It can help with Psoriasis

Psoriasis is an auto-immune disease in which inflammation leads to scaling in patches. These patches are built as a result of skin cells building upon each other and are prone to cracking and bleeding. Turmeric has a bioactive compound called Curcumin, which has anti-inflammatory properties. As a result, it can combat cell production and help reduce these uncomfortable psoriasis patches.

It prevents acne

Turmeric is a well-known home remedy for fighting acne problems. Acne breakout results from our pores getting blocked by pollutants, dirt, and sebum. Moreover, a bacterial infection also causes pimples, blackheads, whiteheads, and other forms of acne. Turmeric has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties that fight off bacterial infection, and its anti-inflammatory properties also help reduce acne inflammation.

It reduces acne-scarring

Not just acne, turmeric fights acne scars too. Pimples often leave scars behind them. This is a common problem caused by acne, which often takes months to fade away. Several studies have suggested that regular use of turmeric homemade face masks or creams with turmeric as an ingredient can significantly reduce the scars and hyperpigmentation caused by acne.

It lightens your skin

Turmeric, when applied to our skin, leaves that yellowish glow. It lightens our skin with its extremely brilliant yellow colour. Therefore, many skin-care products use turmeric as one of the important ingredients in their product. Moreover, you may also find many provisional store owners and spice wholesalers boosting turmeric's skin-lightening properties and its use in skin care, apart from culinary uses.

It fights free radicals

Free radicals like pollutants and the sun's harmful UV rays can give your skin a myriad of problems. One of the most threatening effects of UV rays is that they can cause skin cancer. It can also give you hyperpigmentation and dullness. Turmeric has antioxidant properties that fight these free radicals and ensures your skin remains healthy and looks bright.

It slows down skin ageing

The sun's UV rays can also cause premature ageing. Turmeric has antioxidants that reverse the ageing effects caused by UV damage and makes your skin supple and soft. Moreover, turmeric also stops elastase production. Elastase is an enzyme that affects your skin's ability to produce elastin – a substance that gives your skin a structure which results in wrinkles. 

It may cure melanoma

Melanoma is one of the severe and hard-to-cure kinds of skin cancer. And some scientific studies suggest that turmeric can be an effective medication for melanoma. For example, Curcumin found in turmeric has been proved to have anti-cancer properties. Moreover, turmeric's yellow pigment is also found to be effective at killing and stopping the growth of melanoma cancer cells. 

It may treat scabies

Turmeric also helps treat scabies – a kind of ulcer caused by a type of microscopic mite. Scabies is an itchy and irritating ulcer that could spread by touch. In some studies, researchers found that turmeric and neem (Azardica Indica) can kill scabies-causing mites and reduce the inflammation within 3-12 days. This could be a sustainable and economical method of preventing scabies in under-developed countries.


Turmeric has many health benefits and is nothing less than a boon for skin-related problems. It is packed with various nutrients that can make you healthy, while its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and anti-ageing properties ensure your skin's radiance, clarity, and plumpness. After all these benefits, keeping turmeric in your home and using it regularly in your diet and home remedies is a surefire way to ensure your well-being.

To have a regular supply of turmeric powder, ensure you procure your spice from the right providers. In this age of the internet, you can find hundreds of suppliers of wholesale Indian spices online, but make sure you purchase from a reliable source of authentic turmeric powder. Buying a genuine turmeric powder is necessary to derive the spice's full potential and avoid the side effects of adulterated products.


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