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Bengkung & Belly Binding: Postpartum Wrapping Need-To-Knows

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A woman’s body goes through several drastic changes during and after pregnancy. After childbirth, some women usually undergo physical trauma due to the alteration of their original canvas. Pregnancy and childbirth can make you feel like your body is no longer yours. Despite the joy and magical feeling of seeing your newborn, it’s vital to note and understand that these changes are paramount.

Bengkung and belly binding is a traditional Malaysian belly binding technique used during postpartum to help mold back your original shape. It uses a long strip of cloth that wraps snugly around your abdomen. It helps support the muscles during recovery to improve stability and support. Here’s more.

What Is Postpartum Belly Binding?

It’s a technique used after childbirth to help bind the belly and support it during healing. After childbirth, you wrap a long cloth around the abdomen, from the ribcage to the hips. It’s a common practice in most cultures as it helps give the body physical support to help it recover faster. It’s best to wear the belly binding wrap for up

to 8 weeks from childbirth. This period is known as spontaneous recovery. It’s when the connective tissue between the large ab muscles knit back together to help your core turn back to normal.

Does Belly Binding Work?

Women from different cultures have used Bengkung and belly binding for centuries. However, childbirth can take a significant toll on the body; thus, it will need extra and special attention to help it heal. Belly binding after childbirth helps support the pelvic floor, which gently knits back the muscles and organs in their original positions. You can begin using this technique as early as the first week after a vaginal delivery; however, if you have a CS, you need to get a doctor’s approval once the incision heals. After that, you need to wear the wrap daily for 10 hours for up to 40 days or until you feel restored.

What Makes Belly Binding Better?

  • The Bengkung method covers the entire abdomen, some parts just under the breasts, and the pubic bone. This makes it ideal for offering support to facilitate a full recovery.
  • The wrapping method is ideal for ensuring posture and; lower back support.
  • The fabric used for the wrap can conform to the body shape compared to other commercial ones, which are stiffer. The belly binding wrap is made of 100% cotton muslin cloth.
  • It’s easy to sit with the wrap as it makes you sit straight. This is essential as it’s easy for a mother to slump over during breastfeeding.
  • Bengkung belly binding helps knit back the abdominal muscles and organs, giving you a stronger core.

Benefits Of Bengkung belly Binding

Postpartum belly binding has many benefits for the body. Some are physical, while others are therapeutic. When you do it right, these are some of the benefits you can achieve;

  • Improves posture making you feel firmer; this helps you build back your self- esteem and gain self-image after childbirth.
  • It helps return the muscles and organs to their natural positions giving your body support and comfort.
  • It’;s essential in improving the birth canal and keeps the heat in the body, allowing the elements lost during childbirth to return.


  • Keeping a firm warp helps speed up the muscle and organ knitting process. This helps you regain your normal figure faster.


Bearing a child takes a toll on your body. So while you will have a new responsibility and a new person needing your attention, it’s also crucial that you care for yourself for faster healing. Belly binding helps give your body the support and comfort it needs for gentle and safe healing. Moreover, it helps boost confidence and helps you get back to your normal activities easily.



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