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Alternative medicine has been used by various cultures for centuries, and the United States is finally catching up. Traditional medicine definitely has its place, but it isn’t the cure-all for everything. In fact, traditional medicine might treat back pain by prescribing narcotic pain medication, which is highly addictive, when alternative medicine will use chiropractic massage Woodbridge to relieve the discomfort.

Not only is this more effective, but it’s also much safer to become addicted to a weekly deep tissue massage than an opiate-derived prescription. Here are some popular alternative medicine practices that can help you with common ailments.


Alternative therapies is not addiction therapy, so when the term detoxification is coined, it’s meant removing the toxins from your body. People are stressed out and fatigued, and as a consequence, their livers and adrenal glands suffer. Alternative detoxification cleanses the body on the inside, removing all the bad stuff, such as unhealthy bacteria and contaminates that your tissues store.

Hormone Replacement Therapy

HF Rehab in NJ can also assist you with the hormonal changes in your body as you age. Both women and men can have difficulty in their 40s and 50s when their estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone levels drop. This causes more than just mood swings. It can actually make you ill and it can definitely ruin your love life. They are experienced physical therapist in NJ who can help you with a number of problems.

Chiropractic Care

As briefly touched upon above, chiropractic massage is a much better plan for your back, neck, and shoulder pain than drugs and surgery. Massage is a therapy that has been practiced for centuries to relieve tension, stress, sore muscles, and increase blood flow.


No alternative medicine would be complete without yoga. Practiced for centuries, as most of these therapies have been, yoga improves your body, mind, and spirit. Structured poses and breathing work together to increase your flexibility, strengthen your muscles, and improve your balance.

A competent physical therapist would be able to tell you more about the different alternative medicines available. They will be able to guide how you relieve stress and maintain peace of mind without relying on allopathy.