1. Health

Best Cornea Treatment in Mauritius: The Ultimate Guide

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The cornea, often referred to as the window of the eye, refers to the clear, dome-shaped covering that protects the front of your eye. The eye’s cornea helps you see clearly and is also important in focusing light onto the retina at the back of your eye, which allows you to see. Corneal problems can interfere with vision and lead to poor vision or even blindness if left untreated. If you’re looking for reliable information on how to treat corneal issues, then read on!


Are you looking for cornea treatment in Mauritius?

You have come to right place, because Mauritius is currently witnessing a boom in medical tourism, which has been growing at over 20% annually. But before we get into cornea treatment in Mauritius specifically, let’s talk about what it is, why you should consider it and what you should know going into it. First of all, corneal transplantation is just another way of saying transplanting corneas. And since our eyes are composed of more than just eyeballs (they also contain parts like retinas), that means there are different types of corneal transplants out there for different purposes. Some common procedures include penetrating keratoplasty (PK) and lamellar keratoplasty (LK). Both surgeries are performed on patients with corneal diseases or defects such as Fuchs’ dystrophy, pellucid marginal degeneration, bullous keratopathy or keratoconus. This is where cornea replacement surgery comes in. Cornea replacement surgery doesn’t refer to any specific procedure but rather describes surgical procedures performed on patients who need new corneas after suffering from trauma, infection or disease.


What are options for getting good quality treatment?

It is always a good idea to ensure that you are getting quality treatment from a reputed and well-known clinic. So what are your options when it comes to finding such clinics? Well, of course, you can always ask around your friends and family or do some research online, but if that doesn’t work out for you, there are some easier ways as well. For example, ophthalmologists (the medical experts who perform cornea transplants) are often highly recommended by optometrists and ophthalmologists, so you could start with them.

How much does corneal transplant cost in Mauritius?

Before discussing how much does corneal transplant cost in Mauritius, it is important to first discuss what corneal transplant is? A corneal transplant procedure involves replacing a damaged or diseased part of your eye with healthy tissue from a donor. After your cornea has been transplanted, vision may not be immediately clear; instead, you will most likely see blurry images and require additional time for healing. How much does corneal transplant cost in Mauritius? Corneal transplant surgery can vary greatly in price depending on where you live, whether it’s performed by an ophthalmologist or optometrist, as well as which type of cornea transplant surgery is performed.

Where can I get affordable corneal transplant surgery?: Affordable corneal transplant surgery isn’t impossible to find; however, there are many factors that can impact pricing. When searching for affordable options regarding your eye health care needs, search through clinics within your local area.


What does a Cornea Transplant Surgery involve?

A Cornea Transplant Surgery (also known as penetrating keratoplasty) involves replacing your damaged cornea with a healthy donor cornea, usually from a cadaver. Before going under anaesthesia, you’ll get topical anesthetic eye drops and eye patches to numb your eyes and reduce stress on your donor site. Then, after you’re asleep, doctors will make two small incisions in your eye to remove scar tissue and insert your new cornea into place. Once it heals, it should function just like any other part of your body would—and because it comes from a deceased person rather than being grown in a lab or taken from another part of your body, there are no risk of rejection.


What happens after surgery?

At first, your vision may be blurry for about a week after surgery. Your doctor will provide you with eye drops to use regularly that help protect your corneas from infection and stop them from becoming dry. These should be used in addition to daily cleaning of your eyes with pre-moistened pads or cloths. It’s also important to avoid rubbing your eyes during recovery. After three weeks, you can resume wearing contact lenses if desired. You should continue using eye drops every day for at least six months after surgery as well as applying antibiotic ointment several times per day until healing is complete. It’s important not to wear contact lenses until healing is complete because they can trap bacteria under the surface of your cornea and cause an infection that could cause permanent damage or even lead to blindness.


Are there any risks associated with undergoing an eye operation?

Although sight-restoring operations are now a routine and very safe part of modern medical care, there is still a chance of complications that may cause significant discomfort or even threaten your life. Discuss with your doctor all known risks involved in undergoing an eye operation before you make a decision about which treatment is best for you. Opt for surgery only if your vision impairment interferes with your daily life or health.
