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During the holiday season, many countries around the world celebrate Black Friday. It is a great time to get a deal on various goods. However, is it legal to hold a Black Friday event in Spain?


Until recently, Black Friday was not a tradition in Spain. In the late 2010s, a group of Spanish shops started a Black Friday campaign that has become very popular.

The Observatorio Cetelem Estacional (CET) conducted a survey on Black Friday in 2021. The survey showed that 83 percent of Spaniards know about Black Friday, and 54 percent plan to take advantage of sales. Most consumers plan to buy things for themselves and for their homes. The Spanish Trade Confederation admits that only a few small shops are following the trend.

In the beginning phase of the Spanish republic, Spain was a powerful, united state. However, it soon began to experience political and geographical divisions.

A powerful military ascent led to a political crisis in Spain. Unrestrained opposition and a military revolt led to a gruesome civil war. The military officials could not continue ruling after Rivera's firing.

The Carlist War led to the overthrow of the Spanish government. A temporary government was formed. It passed effective reforms. This resulted in the enactment of the Second Republic.

After the Second Republic, Spain joined the European Economic Community (ECC). It was the first European country to join the ECC. The European Economic Community later became the European Union.

Spain was an influential force in the Americas. Many areas of Central and South America saw themselves as subjects of the Spanish empire.

Spain was allied with France in the Seven Years' War. In 1807, the Franco-Spanish forces took Portugal. In the peace settlement of 1763, Spain gained Louisiana. During World War II, Franco's Spain was neutral. However, in 1975, it allied with Germany to fight the Soviet Union.

Spain's history is a fascinating mix of fantastic scenes and bleak times. From the Roman empire to the two worst world wars, Spain has had periods of global power and periods of helplessness.

Main discounts available on Black Friday in Spain

Several companies offer discounts during Black Friday. Some of them extend their offers until Cyber Monday. However, you need to plan your purchases in advance in order to save more money. You can also take advantage of offers online.

On Black Friday, Spanish consumers will spend an average of EUR200 on discounted products. The most popular products include technology, beauty products and lifestyle products. A quarter of consumers will buy a mini-break, while 23% will take advantage of a spa or relaxation session. Another 19% will buy gifts for birthdays or anniversaries.

Many Spanish stores will offer discounts of 20% to 30%. Online retailers will also be offering their own deals. Moreover, there are several outdoor markets in Spanish cities such as Plaza Redonda in Valencia and the Flower Market in Bilbao.

Most stores will offer Black Friday deals, including sports equipment, technology, homeware and fashion. Several Spanish companies will extend their offers until Cyber Monday. Some of them include Sandos Hotels & Resorts, FNAC, FNAC, and The Body Shop.

According to the survey, 1 in 3 consumers will take advantage of social media to find the best deals. Moreover, a third of consumers will use websites with a Black Friday banner, while one in five will use retailer newsletters.

The Spanish Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU) will monitor the prices of products before Black Friday. They will also examine deals to determine if they are legitimate.

Several Spanish consumers plan to buy Christmas presents during Black Friday. Nine percent of them will purchase home decorations or interiors, and another 1 percent will buy Secret Santa gifts. Other than gifts, shoppers will also purchase health and beauty products.

Legality of holding a Black Friday consumer event in Spain

‘Black Friday' is the name of the holiday slated for the day after Thanksgiving in the United States. It is a day when many stores offer their wares at discounts, usually extending the sales into the weekend and sometimes into the following week. It is a good time to get a good deal on Christmas presents.

A new study reveals that one in five shoppers will be using their laptops or desktop computers to complete their holiday shopping. Some companies are starting their cut price campaigns as early as November 18. And it's not just the big brands. Ikea is offering some good deals on furniture and other homewares.

The study also found that nearly one in three respondents will be taking a mini-break in the week ahead. One in four will be taking a trip to the spa. And one in five will be using retail newsletters or social media to find their holiday gift. The study also found that the average Spanish household spends about EUR200 on this holiday. And that's not including petrol, which the government subsidises at 30 cents per litre.

The ‘Black Friday' event has also been deemed the biggest shopping day of the year. It is estimated that over 300,000 people will be taking part in the event. And the traffic will likely be in high gear.

The top ten most popular ‘experiences' that consumers plan to spend money on include taking a mini-break, a spa treatment, and shopping for Christmas presents. The most popular of these, a mini-break, is a clever touch, given that it is a good time to take stock of your home or office before a new year of shopping kicks in.

French Days aim to replicate Black Friday during the spring season

During the spring and summer seasons, a group of six online retailers have come up with a new shopping event. This event is called “French Days.” It aims to replicate Black Friday during the spring season.

French Days will begin on 27 April and run until 1 May. These days will give French people buying power in categories of their interest.

The campaign will be based on social media. This will help to spread the word about the discounts and will attract new clients. It will also help to boost visibility on Google Shopping.

Companies should have a well-planned product catalogue that contains desirable deals and reasonable prices. These are the keys to securing higher sales on Black Friday.

The campaign should also include good visuals. Many shoppers like to see good pictures and videos. It is also a good idea to post testimonials from previous customers to convince people to purchase.

Aside from social media, you should also use paid search to boost visibility on Google Shopping. This will help you reach more potential clients and can also eat up your marketing budget.

The most searched products on Black Friday in France were in the computer, console, phone, and perfume categories. The category of clothing was the sixth most searched.

Aside from the high points of the marketing calendar, Black Friday is also a great way to attract new customers and increase sales volumes. Black Friday is also seen as a way to start Christmas shopping early. It can also be a stress-free way to prepare gifts.

A well-planned product catalogue will allow companies to secure higher sales on Black Friday. A good campaign will also include social media and a hashtag.

Ethical banks invest in companies

Several European countries have begun selling green bonds, including Spain, which kicked off its first sale of green debt this September. These ethical banks are not only making money, but they are also putting the positive results of their operations before their shareholders.

While conventional banks invest in industries that hurt the environment, ethical banks are more focused on social impact and economic performance. They grant more credit and offer more checking accounts, while generating higher returns.

In Europe, 30 ethical credit institutions have been established since the 70s. These institutions have their own patrimonial structure. They also have a cooperative structure that allows for democratic control. Ethical banking alternatives can be found near you, and you can easily choose the one that best fits your needs.

These ethical banks are more committed to social finance and less involved in the financial markets. In addition, they have less volatile results over time. This means they are less susceptible to crises.

Ethical banks also have a better ability to withstand the challenges of the economy. Their sensitivity to the environment has made them more resilient in times of crisis.

European ethical banks are governed by a set of social criteria. They are a more cooperative form of banking, with more involvement from their customers and government. They adopt the values of the environment and society, which makes them more efficient in times of financial and economic crises.

The Catholic Church's investment fund has taken a more activist role in the banking sector. The fund has a portfolio of 8.8 billion pounds. It has shares in drug companies, miner Rio Tinto, and bank HSBC. Its shares are listed overseas and abroad, giving it more power to influence corporate decisions. Take the best offers on Barcelona Pub Crawl  and Black Friday Madrid