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Braces price– Braces treatment also called orthodontic treatment is a quick fix to correct misaligned or crooked teeth. There are four types of braces available in India– Metal, lingual, ceramic, and aligners. Each type of braces have different characteristics and costs. Metals are the most basic appliances that require brackets, wires, and bands to fix the crooked teeth. Ceramic braces- are a type of invisible braces that requires braces appliances like bands, wires, and brackets but transparent in colour and are not visible to the eyes. Lingual braces are an updated version of metal braces that do not require bands and brackets for support.

Sensitive teeth– Tooth sensitivity is one of the common causes of a toothache and almost seen in everyone. Sensitive teeth refer to tooth discomfort or feeling of toothache upon eating something cold/hot. The pain of tooth sensitivity is usually sharp, sudden and shooting. Tooth sensitivity usually occurs when the layer of a tooth underneath the enamel is exposed along the gum line due to receding gums. The sensitivity is responded to in the exposed areas when hot and cold beverages  and sweet and spicy foods are consumed that trigger pain. Here are some factors which contribute to tooth sensitivity include:

  • Vigorously brushing
  • Tooth grinding
  • In -office dental cleaning or other treatments.
  • Temporary tooth sensitivity.
  • Gum disease

If you exhibit tooth sensitivity, visit your dental professional immediately for a proper assessment and treatment.

Root canals– When decay reaches the inner material of your tooth (pulp), you may need a root canal. This is a treatment to repair and save a badly damaged or infected tooth instead of removing it and Tooth extractions-Some teeth become so severely decayed that they can't be restored and must be removed.


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