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Best End of lease Cleaning Services in Adelaide

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Like Cleaning is the best end of lease cleaning Adelaide. We provide a wide range of cleaning services for home and office spaces. Our services include bond back and exit cleaning, bond clean, carpet steam cleaning, oven cleaning as well as window washing and much more. Book us today for a free quote!

End of lease Cleaning Adelaide

End of lease cleaning Adelaide is a cleaning procedure that is performed on the premises by the tenant after vacating the property. This cleaning procedure can be either done by a professional or by yourself, but it is important to keep in mind that if you do not clean up your place before moving out, your landlord may charge you for doing so.

Some examples of end of lease cleaning are:

  • Cleaning out cupboards and drawers inside and outside
  • Vacuuming carpets and rugs (you may need to get rid of carpet if it’s stained)
  • Wiping down appliances such as fridges, ovens and microwaves

Bond Cleaning Adelaide

Bond cleaning Adelaide is a process that allows you to get rid of all the dirt and grime in your home before you move out. It's also called end of lease cleaning or pre-move out cleaning, and it can be done by the tenant or by a professional company.

  • What is bond cleaning? Bond cleaning is the act of removing all stains, marks and dust from your property before you move out. It includes things like scrubbing down walls, floors and ceilings; wiping down cabinets; steam-cleaning carpets; removing trash from every room in your home; polishing all exterior windows; vacuuming upholstered furniture and mattresses; washing curtains (if applicable). Bond cleanings usually take place on top of regular housekeeping services or after major redecorating jobs have been completed.
  • How much does it cost? The price varies depending on the size of your property, but most bond cleanings cost between $150-$300 depending on how big your house is!

Exit Cleaning Adelaide

  • End of lease cleaning is a very important process that needs to be done before you hand your flat over to the landlord.
  • The end of lease cleaning is the most important part of the entire leasing process.
  • You have to make sure that your place looks as good as possible before you hand it back over to the landlord, or else they might charge extra fees for damage or neglect on their property.

Bond Back Cleaning Adelaide

Bond back cleaning is a special type of cleaning that involves the removal of stains, dirt and grime from your property. The end goal of bond back cleaning is to ensure that your property is in an impeccable state so that you can get back all your bond money at the end of your lease.

If you have never heard about it before, then let us tell you what it is all about!

Like Cleaning is the best end of lease cleaning company in Adelaide.

Like Cleaning is a professional cleaning company in Adelaide. We provide high quality services at affordable prices to our clients. Our team of professional cleaners is highly experienced and has many years of experience in the cleaning industry. If you need end of lease cleaning, then Like Cleaning is the best choice for your needs.


Like Cleaning is the best end of lease cleaning company in Adelaide. We provide high-quality, affordable and reliable end of lease cleaning Adelaide services to make your property look brand new again. Our professional team has extensive experience in this area and will handle everything from top to bottom so you don’t have to worry about any other details. No matter what type of property you need cleaned – we offer a wide range of services including bond back cleanings, bond cleanings and more!


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