1. Health

Best Food to Eat During Typhoid

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Typhoid fever is a dangerous condition that, if untreated, might be fatal. The two main ways that typhoid fever is transmitted are through contaminated water and food and direct interaction with an infected person. After exposure, symptoms typically appear one to three weeks later and can include high fever, exhaustion, headache, muscle pain, stomach pain, diarrhea, or constipation, as well as a rash of tiny red dots.

Typhoid prevention methods

By maintaining proper cleanliness and avoiding contaminated beverages and food, typhoid fever can be prevented most effectively. You can accomplish this by:

  1. Frequently washing your hands with water and soap, particularly before eating or cooking.
  2. Consuming no ice in beverages and just drinking boiling or bottled water.
  3. Consuming hot, cooked food while staying away from the uncooked or undercooked fare.
  4. Avoiding food from shady sources and street vendors.
  5. Having a typhoid vaccine administered.

By taking these precautions, you can lessen the chance of transmission and help avoid typhoid fever.

The Best food to eat during Typhoid

Maintaining a nutritious diet that strengthens the body's immune system and supplies vital nutrients for healing is crucial during a typhoid fever episode. Here are the healthiest foods when it comes to a typhoid fever diet:

1. Fluids: Typhoid fever can lead to dehydration, therefore it's important to replenish lost fluids. Some excellent choices include water, coconut water, freshly squeezed fruit juices, stews, and broths. Moreover, it is advised to consume electrolyte drinks like ORS (oral rehydration solution) to replace lost salts and minerals.

2. Soft, bland foods: Typhoid fever causes the digestive tract to become sensitive, making it worse to consume spicy, oily, or greasy foods. Be sure to eat only soft, bland foods such as boiled rice, potatoes, steamed or boiled veggies, and mild soups. These foods are simple to absorb and provide you with the energy you need.

3. Foods high in protein: Protein helps the body's immune system and muscles heal themselves. The body requires more protein during typhoid fever, therefore it's crucial to eat a diet high in protein-rich foods like lean meats, fish, eggs, tofu, and legumes which are the best food for typhoid patient.

4. Vegetables and fruits: Vegetables and fruits are full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants which help the body's defenses function properly and speed up healing. To prevent contamination, it is crucial to select vegetables and fruit that have been thoroughly boiled or peeled. Bananas, papayas, applesauce, and boiled carrots are other excellent alternatives.

Food to avoid in Typhoid

It's crucial to stay away from specific foods if you have typhoid fever since they can exacerbate symptoms and make recovery more difficult. If you have typhoid fever, here is the food to avoid in typhoid:

1. Raw or uncooked meat: Meat that is either raw or undercooked may contain dangerous bacteria that aggravate your disease. Steer clear of consuming any meat that is uncooked or undercooked, such as beef, hog, chicken, and fish.

2. Fruits and vegetables that are raw: Raw produce may also harbour dangerous microorganisms. All fruits and vegetables should be carefully washed before consumption. To reduce the risk of infection, cook the food before eating it.

3. Dairy products: Milk, cheese, and yogurt are examples of dairy products that can become contaminated with dangerous germs. They should not be consumed when suffering from typhoid fever.

4. Spicy and oily food: Anything that is spicy and oily might aggravate diarrhea and irritate your stomach. Until you are fully recovered from typhoid fever, stay away from hot and oily foods.

5. Fried and processed food: Fried and processed food can be difficult to digest and can make diarrhea and stomach aches worse. In order to fully recover from typhoid fever, stay away from fried and processed foods.

6. Alcoholic and caffeinated beverages: These beverages might dehydrate your body and make your situation worse. Drinks with caffeine and alcohol should be avoided until you are free of typhoid fever.


To boost the immune system and promote recovery from typhoid fever, a nutritious and balanced diet is essential. Be sure to eat soft, bland foods, including foods high in protein, and get lots of liquids. Steer clear of foods that are spicy, oily, or fatty, undercooked or raw meat or seafood, unpasteurised dairy products, and uncooked fruits and vegetables. See your healthcare practitioner if you have any worries or queries concerning your food while suffering from typhoid fever.

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