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Best practices for defining a cloud monitoring strategy

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Cloud monitoring becomes essential when you use a cloud-based IT infrastructure to improve end-user experience. Imagine a regular generating of gigabytes of data, which one must evaluate and incorporate  the protocols to enhance application performance. With effective cloud monitoring strategies, you can get real-time visibility on the performance of the codes, performance outputs, and engine performance. Thus, it is essential to incorporate some of the best practices in cloud monitoringto improve your company's performance.

  • Infrastructure monitoring

The first step in improved cloud monitoring is better infrastructure evaluation. If you have integrated your company's software with the IT infrastructure through DevOps, it becomes essential to evaluate the functioning of each resource. Cloud-based infrastructures developed through DevOps projects depend on site reliability engineers and operations staff. You need both teams to coordinate best to identify the service level objectives. The inability to do it will affect your end-user experience and business operations. Thus, when it comes to infrastructure ad a part of cloud monitoring, you need to look for the following:

  • You need to check for the latency to execute a service request.
  • You will have to evaluate the loading and saturation point of a resource and whether the demand for the resource is equally high.
  • Cloud monitoring should also include the data regarding the failure to execute the service requests.

Thus, to monitor these signals, you need to involve several element managers. However, this can prove to be tedious and lead to other errors. Hence, it is best to implement cloud monitoring tools that will consider reports from a single resource and multiple ones. This will help you develop a strategy that will give you a signal when there is a breach. This tool will also help filter false- positives and create a mechanism that enables you to identify a breach quickly.

  • Setting up a dashboard

One of the best strategies for cloud monitoring would be to use tools that give you complete visibility over all the applications through a single pane. For example, self-updating dashboards that use real-time data can give you an idea of the functioning of cloud-based web applications. When you use a graph-based dashboard, you gain insight into the metrics, operational outflow, and server performance. With this practice, you can get the following benefits:

  • Dashboards can give you an idea of resource allocation and saturation, and you can identify if a resource will begin to malfunction.
  • This is one of the most cost-effective processes, as you can make business decisions on time and prevent significant breaches.
  • A dashboard also offers unified monitoring and tracking service. You can evaluate all the data from a single platform, making it easier for your business managers to understand the performance of the IT infrastructure.

Thus, using dashboards for monitoring and reporting is another practice you must opt for to ensure that your cloud monitoring service improves the end-user experience.

  • Data management

Evaluating the generated data is essential for a better end-user experience when you use a cloud-based IT infrastructure. With proper data management, you can determine the performance of the applications and resources. Here is how data management is an essential practice for cloud monitoring:

  • Data classification and centralization: An essential part of the cloud monitoring strategy is storing and maintaining data generated in a centralized system. You need historical data to determine the breaches and look for thresholds in present data sets. This is essential if you use artificial intelligence to evaluate the data and identify breaches.
  • Automate the system for setting triggers: You must set up your system to send alerts when it reaches a threshold. This is important to improve the functioning of the applications. You need to check the warnings and take steps to prevent any breaches. In other words, the alerts will be ready for two things. The system will send signals to reduce the load and improve app performance. Second, if there is any security breach, the system will send you alerts to prevent the threat.
  • Testing the tools: An essential part of data management would be to try the tools before you start using these. Even if you are using AI to send the alerts and set up the threshold, you need to test the tools in mock scenarios before using these. You can use historical data to evaluate the behavior of the tools, which can give you effective results.

Thus, data management is one of the best practices for developing a cloud monitoring strategy. It will make it easier to identify anomalies and take steps before these become significant breaches.

  • Selecting the best and core metrics ideal for your firm

The best cloud monitoring practices will also depend upon the size of your firm. When evaluating the best metrics suitable for your firm, you must identify what you want to accomplish through monitoring. Do you want to excel in performance, or do you want to identify security breaches? For example, in the case of customer-based companies, you need to prioritize performance. You cannot afford to allow latency between resources.

Similarly, for eCommerce portals, you must prioritize performance and security. You must ensure that you protect your customer information, and there is a baseline to identify the best way to provide the best performance and avoid security breaches. Thus, when it comes to best practices for cloud monitoring, you need to ensure that it is based on your requirements.


When choosing the best practices for cloud monitoring, it is essential to ensure that it optimizes your IT infrastructure. If you are using cloud management for resource allocation, then monitoring should help you identify the best practices for resource management. The same is applicable for improving end-user experience.With the best cloud monitoring practices, you can reduce operational expenses and make it easier for your business managers to gain a better purview over the performance of the various resources. Thus, incorporating the best practices for cloud monitoring is essential if you want to improve the overall functioning of the applications and your company.