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 Asatsuyu Green Tea (100g)” alludes to a particular assortment of Japanese green    tea that is known for its unmistakable qualities, the meaning of each part is follows.

           Asatsuyu-: This is the kind of tea plant, or cultivar, that is used to make green tea.     

           Asatsuyu, or “Morning Dew” in English, is a type of tea cultivar that is well-known for 

           its crisp,   floral aroma and smooth, sweet flavor.

“Illy 250 grams” usually refers to a 250-gram pack of Illy coffee. Illy is a famous Italian coffee roaster known for its high quality coffee beans and products. The 250 grams likely refers to the net weight of coffee in the pack; it is a common size for retail coffee products.

Illy is a renowned Italian coffee company known for its premium coffee products. Founded in 1933 by Francesco Illy, the company is known worldwide for its high-quality coffee beans, espresso machines, and coffee accessories.

A specific variety of Japanese tea is referred to as “Organic Deep Steamed Tea 100g.” The meaning of each part is as follows:

Organic: It indicates that organic farming practices were used to produce the tea. This indicates that neither chemical fertilizers nor synthetic pesticides were utilized during its cultivation.
Profound Steamed Tea: A type of Japanese tea that has been deeply steamed during processing is the subject of this term. This cycle further separates the cell construction of the tea leaves, bringing about a better, more fine surface. The typical size for retail tea packaging is this one.

Chiran green Tea a specific variety of Japanese green tea is appertained to as” Chiran Green Tea Godake 100g.” A breakdown of each part of the name is as follows

The Chiran In particular in Kagoshima Prefecture on the islet of Kyushu, Chiran is a region in Japan known for producing high- quality green tea. Tea from Chiran is regarded for its flavor and smell. The” Green Tea” Appears that the thing is a kind of tea delivered utilizing the takes off of the Camellia sinensis production line that have gone through inconsequential oxidation amid running. known for its stimulating flavor and health benefits.