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I've been at it for a couple of months so I’m happy doing my thing kind of sounds like neighborhood happy but uh one thing I can tell you is uh do not get frustrated if you get frustrated and I Walking Cane have a couple of times that's when you start making mistakes big mistakes and you say you get this stuff and you can't put the sawdust back where you got it off of or the chip or whatever you know it's uh it's gone it is kind of like the broken head of my snake you know it snapped off so ugly that there was no way of even beginning to put it back and I probably wouldn't have anyway even if it broke off or it would have been an easy blue just because let's say I’ve got a lot of hours in this if I was going to sell.

After if i was looking at selling this stick that would probably be 300 oh maybe more if i it depends on how much an hour i i would say i'm worth well but anyway yeah it's something to laugh at well and i'll show you and this is what i've been doing hey i have my mask on i am i am uh what i'm gonna have to do is try to make it look like the top is as rounded as i can get it instead of flat and then just round it on the sides so that might be a a trick too but i'm going to give her a try here and see what i can do it's getting late in the afternoon i've been on this for hours and haven't got a long wait i've got some but i haven't got a long ways but uh well we'll see how it goes we'll get back at youyouokay what i'm trying to do now is I'm Bigfoot Cane trying to finish this top part of the the walking stick up it's not anything close to how i wanted it but i think i had explained before i think i got the coils to close things like that and i'm just not um just not 100 and and how i how i can do things um.

So I need to get a little sandpaper here and I want to just clean up some things so well everyone I am going to use the wood stain it's a rust-oleum seems like I’ve used it before but I don't remember and it's called Kona and it's real dark I tried it on another piece of aspen and it seemed to be pretty good so but we'll see how it goes got my gloves on and stuff and towel and we'll see how she goes now it looks like mud when you first put it on I’ll tell you I’m hoping I’m getting this on camera I don't know how long I should let this real dark stuff set but uh I’m gonna wipe it down here a little way at the bottom now I think I’m going to take that part of it off now yeah not looking too bad my golly have to see what it looks like once we get it up here on the carved stuff so.


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