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Virtual Reality is a term for imitating occurrences that can be similar to this world. It can be used in different fields of entertainment, games, medical training and educational purposes.

Virtual Reality systems use equipment that generates naturalistic images and sounds to make the user feel their presence in some different environment. A person who is using a virtual reality tool can look around the contrived environment and interact with items of a virtual world. It can be done by putting virtual reality equipment in front of your eyes. The equipment consists of a headset along with a display attached to it. With the rapidly improving technology, it is getting popular among the users. Some of the VR experiences are mentioned below:

  • Apollo 11 VR HD

Now get the experience of the historical event of 1969’s Apollo 11 mission with the Apollo 11 VR HD. Trying this will not only give you an experience but will also leave deep respect in you for the workers associated with this mission. This journey will take you back in the time. You can sit and have the experience or can interact and inspect different things present on the surface of the Moon. The equipment provides chronicles of the actual footage from the mission along with original video and audio and high-quality graphics for a better VR experience.

  • Everest VR

You can have an experience of being on the highest peak. All thanks to the Everest VR. With this equipment, you can have a full 360-degree view and can experience how it feels to be on the world’s highest peak. You can have experience of a real-world location even without leaving your staying place.

  • Google Earth VR

The world has so many beautiful places to visit. But visiting almost every site which you love is hardly possible. Thus, the virtual reality tool may help you a lot in visiting your favourite places even though not in the real world but, definitely in the virtual world. With Google Earth, you can explore your favourite sites. You will not only feel your mere presence in that region but, you will think that you are there.

  • The Climb

In this game, the person has to complete the objectives of climbing to the top of the stone walls. The tasks can be completed in daylight as well as night mode. The game can be played in four different environments. It has been developed for Microsoft as a virtual reality video game, by Crytek in partnership with Oculus VR. It was released in 2016.

  • Island Explorer VR

If for some reason you want to discover an island, but you neither want to interact with people nor want to face any challenges out there, then Island Explore VR is for you. It is a compact, VR experience where you won’t face any obstacles or meet anyone throughout the journey. Instead, you can roam around or relax anywhere and admire mother nature.

Source url: https://myyellowking.com/blog/best-ways-to-use-virtual-reality-for-escaping-your-home


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