In this article we have compiled our list of 12 best web hosting services for bloggers and content creators. The most popular choice for most bloggers however, is Bluehost and Dreamhost.

Before we go into the details of the best web hosting services let us understand what is “web hosting” and how it works?

Web hosting is basically renting a space on an online server to run a blog or a website.

When bloggers or online content creators do not personally own any server space, they need to use a web hosting service to avail the same.

These web hosting services safely and efficiently store your files and data, making sure they are never lost or damaged.

They also keep the websites / blogs running without any interruptions.

best web hosting services

Because a website is technically just a collection of files, they can be easily transferred from most devices to an online space, i.e., to a web hosting server.

This rental of online space ensures that your website can be launched and is accessible online.

Most of the good web hosting services take care of updates, upkeep, maintenance, problem resolution, security, monetary transactions, design templates and much more.

This allows the bloggers to have more time focusing on creating high-quality content and less on the technicalities.

Hence it is vital to spend time in researching on the best web hosting services available in the market.

As mentioned before, a website is essentially a collection of files. All your media (pictures, videos, articles), html files, stylesheets, plugins etc. are a part of this set.

These files that collectively render your website will of course need a storage location on the web.

Web hosting services provide a method for this storage which allows a user to rent a limited space on the world wide web.

The quantity of space required varies with the kind of website hosted. Bloggers for instance, need relatively small amount of space.

However, as more and more content are added and the website grows, there might be a need to expand the online space rented.

best web hosting services

In order to have a fully functioning website, a registered domain name is required.

Once this is acquired (or it might already exist), this domain name is configured to point to the hosting server.

This allows the internet browser to know where to access the website.

It does not alter the domain name in any way; it simply re-directs the browser to the server and permits access to the website.

There many types of web hosting services available. However, we have chosen three popular and distinct types of web hosting services. These are the ones we consider to best suit bloggers and content creators.

1.      Shared Hosting

Shared hosting is perhaps the most commonly used service primarily by bloggers and small website owners.

The server is shared by several websites, storing and managing all their files and data thus sharing the resources.

This is generally the first choice for new bloggers because the cost is fairly low.

This is possible because of the cost of maintenance, bandwidth, and resources that are spread through all the websites it is hosting.

This might sound a little scary for those of us that care about the security of our blogs and content.

However, there is no need to worry since the shared web hosting server is partitioned.

This means your content stays in your space, only.

No other website from the same server will be able to access any of your files.

2.      VPS Hosting

VPS (Virtual Private Server) hosting is another good choice for bloggers and content writers.

A VPS hosting server has the flexibility of a dedicated web hosting service (which we will explain next), with a much lower cost.

What makes this type of web hosting unique is the way it works.

VPS web to hosting service relies on what they call “virtualization”.

This means you have your own space on a server. However, this server is partitioned into different environments.

These environments are private. Even though other websites also “reside” on the same server, your space is yours.

You will not share any resources with other websites on these partitioned spaces.

VPS web hosting allows for further customization than shared hosting.

You are allowed to install your software, change settings, add users, and power on/off whenever you wish or need to.

This makes it a great choice if you want to have more freedom, creativity, and resources available only to you, without needing large amounts of space.

The price for this type of web hosting services are a bit higher than the shared web hosting services.

It is, however worth it if you want to have more control and wiggle room for your content.

3.      Dedicated Server Hosting

For a more luxurious experience and complete control over your website, there is the dedicated server hosting.

This is typically the best option for websites that receive large amounts of traffic or for websites that require a unique style of configuration in order to run.

With a dedicated web hosting service, you get an entire server just for you. You do not share any space or resources with absolutely any other website.

There is absolute control over the server, meaning you can install any software, change settings, and optimize security to your liking.

This is the most expensive type of web to hosting service on this list. The price is higher because you will not share expenses with anyone else.

 For those that have large followings, and large amounts of traffic, it is the best choice.

*We will also include WordPress Hosting, a tool most bloggers are familiar with for their content and website management.

Our Picks For The Best Web Hosting Services For 2024

We have gathered 12 of the best web hosting services.

But before we proceed there is a bonus web hosting service which is affordable and cost effective – Websterz Web Solution.

Websterz Web Solution caters to the web hosting needs of small, medium, and large organizations. Their range of hosting services includes shared, dedicated, cloud, WordPress, VPS, and dedicated servers. They provide two types of web hosting control panels, namely DirectAdmin and cPanel, as part of their hosting plans. Their servers, hosted on the fastest networks in the EU and USA, are equipped with NVMe storages for optimal performance.

As part of their WordPress hosting, Websterz offers complimentary, free seo audit, free pageSpeed audit. Additionally, they also offer features like website cloning, website staging, and one-click backup and restore for added convenience.

Now let us talk about the 12 best web hosting services. These services, although great for many uses, have been chosen with bloggers and blogging sites in mind. Today we will take a look at the following:

  1. BlueHost   
  2. Dreamhost  
  3. Namecheap   
  4. HostPapa  
  5. HostGator  
  6. InMotion  
  7. iPage  
  8. Cloudways  
  9. JustHost  
  10. GreenGeeks  
  11. HostArmada  
  12. WPX Hosting  


bluehost web hosting
  • Recommended by WordPress
  • Free Domain Name for 1st year
  • 1-Click WordPress Install

Bluehost provides one of the best web hosting services.

They have a large catalog of features, add-ons, and extra services. This is a great option for beginners as well as experienced bloggers. 

Bluehost offers all three types of hosting we have discussed and more: shared, VPS, dedicated, and WordPress.

Its WordPress hosting service is very popular among bloggers as it offers WordPress centered dashboards and tools. It also features a one-click installation process.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. Bluehost has many other features that make website handling an easy task.

As explained earlier, this is a good option for beginner websites. Although it is a bit slower, it is a cheaper option that still has its great perks.

For this type of hosting, BlueHost offers four packages. Their prices vary from $3.95 to $13.95 (3-year term).

bluehost shared hosting pricing

The packages include:

  • 1 to unlimited websites
  • 50 GB to unlimited SSD storage
  • Custom themes
  • 24/7 support
  • Free domain (1 year)
  • Free CDN
  • Free SSL certificate

The more expensive packages can include features such as:

  • Optimized CPU resources
  • Free Office 365 (for 30 days)
  • Free domain privacy
  • Automated backup
  • Dedicated IP address

For those who want more flexibility, Bluehost offers three packages. Their prices vary from $19.99 to $59.99 a month.

bluehost vps hosting plans

The packages include:

  • 2 to 4 cores
  • 30 to 120 GB SSD storage
  • 2 to 8 GB of RAM
  • 1 to 3 TB of bandwidth
  • 1 to 2 IP address
  • Free domain name (for one year)
  • 30-day money-back guarantee
  • 24/7 customer service support.

There are other additional features you can purchase, as well.

For high traffic sites, this is the best BlueHost option.  They offer three packages. The prices vary from $79.99 to $119.99 a month.

bluehost dedicated hosting plans

The packages include:

  • 4 cores, from 2.5 to 3.3 GHz
  • 500 GB to 1 TB of mirrored storage
  • 4 to 16 GB RAM
  • 5 to 15 TB of bandwidth
  • 3 to 5 IP addresses
  • Free domain name (1 year)
  • Tech  and customer support 24/7/365

There are also many additional features you can purchase to enhance your service.

Whether newbie or expert, this is a great service for bloggers that want to grow.

The packages vary and are adaptable to sole owners or various users. For this service, BlueHost has three available packages. Their prices vary from $3.95 to $6.95.

bluehost wordpress hosting plans

The packages include:

  • 1 to Unlimited websites
  • Free SSL certificate
  • 50 to unmetered SSD storage
  • Free domain name (for 1 year)
  • 5 to unlimited parked domains
  • 25 to unlimited subdomains
  • $200 in marketing credit
  • Automatic WP installation and updates
  • Secure configuration of Login Credentials

The more expensive packages can include features such as:

  • Microsoft 365 Mailbox (for 30 days)
  • CodeGuard Basic Backup

Bluehost offers flexibility, reliability, high speed, and security. It has proven to be fairly priced and is definitely one of the best web hosting services out there.

The offers for beginners are very helpful to get your site up and running and generating revenue. It has helped many bloggers develop their careers and grow. 

For the price, the speed and features are great for most uses, especially for blogging and content creation.


dreamhost web hosting
  • Recommended by WordPress
  • Super Easy to Use
  • 24/7 Expert Support

DreamHost has been a favorite of bloggers for years. They have decades on the market and continue to grow.

They are on the more affordable side of the spectrum, and are very fast (upload times of under 1 second) and extremely reliable.

DreamHost is a favorite pick of WordPress, themselves.

With over 1.5 million WordPress blogs and Free WordPress migrations, it has become one of the top three hosting services chosen by bloggers.

Get a good bang for your buck with this service from DreamHost. This is great for beginner bloggers, and as your site grows, you can always upgrade to a better-suited plan.

They offer two plans for this service. They are $2.49 and $3.95 a month (for a 36-month term).

The prices vary if you chose just a monthly or a one to year term.

dreamhost shared hosting plans

The plans include:

  • 1 or unlimited websites
  • Free domain (for one year)
  • Unlimited traffic
  • Pre to installed WordPress
  • Free WordPress migrations
  • WP website builder
  • Fast SSD storage
  • Free SSL certificate
  • Add email for $1.67 for the first plan, get unlimited email @yourdomain with the second
  • Unlimited bandwidth
  • Easy to use panel
  • 1 to Click installer for many apps
  • Free privacy protection
  • Automated daily backups

This service is great for more specialized bloggers and website creators.

You will have more control over all aspects of your website. Depending on the needs and traffic of your site, these service plans range from $10.00 to $80.00 a month (for a 36-month term).

dreamhost vps hosting plans

These plans include:

  • 1 to 8 GB RAM
  • 30 to 240 GB SSD Storage
  • Unlimited websites
  • Unlimited Traffic
  • Free SSL certificate(s)
  • Unlimited email @your domain
  • Specific resources for your needs
  • Easy setup and management
  • 24/7/365 tech support
  • Easy to use control panel
  • 100% uptime guarantee
  • Scalable RAM
  • Unlimited MySQL Databases

For those high-traffic blogs, DreamHost suggests this service. This will give you complete and total control over your website management, software, media, and more.

Although a bit more expensive, it is worth it if you want complete Freedom and high-quality services and features.

DreamHost offers two dedicated hosting plans. They are $149 and $279 a month (36-year term).

However, the final price depends on the amount of RAM and bandwidth (you can choose more or less in both plans). The plans include:

dreamhost dedicated hosting plans
  • Intel Xeon, 4C/8T or 12/C24T
  • 4 or 16 GB RAM
  • 1 or 2TB HDD
  • RAID 1 Storage
  • Root access
  • Local MySQL Database
  • Ubuntu
  • 100% Uptime guarantee
  • 24/7/365 Tech support and server monitoring
  • DDoS protection
  • Ruby Version Manager
  • OPcache
  • Easy to use panel

DreamHost has three plans in the DreamPress service tailored for WordPress users. Their price ranges from $16.95 to $71.95 a month. These plans include:

dreamhost wordpress hosting plans
  • Built for approximately 100K to 1M visitors per month
  • Unlimited email
  • 30 to 160 GB SSD storage
  • Unmetered bandwidth
  • 1 click staging
  • SSL Certificate (pre to installed)
  • On-demand and daily backups
  • 24/7/365 WP support
  • Jetpack (pre-installed)
  • Free migrations
  • WP website builder
  • Built-in caching

The more expensive DreamPress plans also include unlimited CDN.

DreamHost is more than just a web host service. It has tools that will help you grow your blog and become successful.

For one of the best deals in website hosting, DreamHost has proven to be a top pick in our list of best web hosting services.

A great option for any type of website, but even better for bloggers and blogging sites.

It has helped millions of bloggers and blogging sites grow and thrive. DreamHost has positively earned its place in our ranking.


Namecheap web hosting


  • Free website builder
  • Free automatic SSL installation
  • 30-Day money-back guarantee

Namecheap has more than two decades in the market, and since then, they have made it a point to keep their prices low.

They also have a speedy upload time (under one second). This is perfect for beginner sites, especially bloggers who are either beginning their journey or trying something new.

Like our other picks, this one has a variety of services. 

This service is one of the lowest-priced we have seen so far.

Namecheap has plans for this service that vary from $1.44 a month to $4.44 a month (for a 2-year term).

namecheap shared hosting plans

All packages include:

  • 20 GB to unmetered SSD storage
  • 3 to unlimited websites
  • Unmetered bandwidth
  • Free website builder
  • Domain name privacy
  • Automatic SSL installation
  • 30-day money-back guarantee
  • Domain name (Free for one year)
  • Free SSL certificates
  • 24/7/365 live support
  • WordPress and cPanel
  • Personalized email service

The more expensive packages include auto backup.

For a more flexible way to host your site, Namecheap offers two packages.

They range from $7.88 to $13.88 a month (yearly term). For the price, the features are pretty good in quantity.

namecheap vps hosting plans

Both packages include:

  • 2 to 4 CPU core
  • 2 to 6 GB RAM
  • 40 to 120 GB SSD RAID 10
  • 1K to 3K GB bandwidth
  • Full root OS
  • Your choice of server management
  • Top security and security standards
  • Free transfers of existing websites and VPS (a first on our list) to Namecheap account
  • 30-day money-back guarantee
  • Complete customization
  • 20x faster storage (SSD)
  • 24/7/365 support
  • Full scalability of resources

For the best control over your files and website, Namecheap offers three plans. They vary from $53.32 to $287.40 a month (yearly term).

namecheap dedicated hosting plans

All plans include:

  • 4 to 6 cores (3.5, 3.4, 2.1 GHz)
  • 16 to 32 GB DDR
  • 400 to 960 GB HDD or SSD
  • Datacenter to powered reliability (hosted in PhoenixNAP datacenter)
  • 24/7/365 customer support
  • Server level choice
  • Free migration
  • Server management options
  • Airtight Security
  • Optimized network

For all your blogging needs, Namecheap has 3 EasyWP packages.

These plans cater to any level blogger and website builder. The prices range from $3.88 to $11.88 a month.

namecheap wordpress hosting plans

The plans include:

  • 10 to 100 GB of SSD storage
  • 50 to 500K visitors per month
  • 1 WordPress website
  • Installation under 90 seconds
  • Namecheap Cloud hosting
  • Seamless scalability as your website grows
  • Safety and security
  • Backup and restore

The more expensive plans also include:

  • 1.5 to 2x more CPU and RAM
  • Free CDN and SSL.
  • 99.99% uptime guarantee
  • Free CDN and SSL

With over one million websites being hosted, Namecheap has made a name for itself.

The company focuses on individuals and small businesses.

They offer many types of hosting, and best of all, they have WordPress Hosting. Like we said before, perfect for bloggers.

With all these options, you are sure to find exactly what you need to start and grow your blog.

The prices are some of the lowest in the market. For these prices, it makes sense for bloggers to check out Namecheap.


Hostpapa web hosting


  • WordPress-friendly hosting
  • User-friendly control panel
  • Servers built for speed

Our next pick, on the list of best web hosting servers, is the first on our list that provides eco-friendly website hosting plans.

Their servers are hosted by 100% renewable energy.

By using wind and solar energy, they not only lower costs, but they also promote green energy and reduce their carbon footprint.

HostPapa is a smaller company and like many of our other picks, it is geared towards smaller businesses or single website owners.

Their prices are low, and their packages can be combined with other features.

Best of all, they are chosen by many bloggers and blogging sites not only because of their green approach but because they are affordable and effective.

Some of the features HostPapa offers that merit attention are listed below.

For this service, HostPapa has three packages that range between $3.95 – $12.95 a month.

hostpapa web hosting plans

It includes:

  • 2 to unlimited websites
  • Free domain registration
  • 100 to unlimited GB of SSD storage
  • Unmetered bandwidth
  • 100 to unlimited email accounts
  • All essential WP features
  • Jetpack at no cost and pre to installed
  • Administration support
  • Email administration
  • 24/7/365 support

For more control and flexibility, HostPapa has five different packages. These packages vary from $19.99 to $249.99 a month.

hostpapa vps hosting plan

All packages include

  • 4 to 12 core CPU
  • 2 to 32 GB memory
  • 60 GB to 1 TB SSD storage
  • 1 to 8 TB transfers
  • Root level access
  • 2 IP addresses
  • Hosting of unlimited domains
  • Free VPS migration
  • Private nameservers
  • Guaranteed dedicated resources
  • Multiple servers
  • eCommerce optimization

HostPapa has some of the best we have seen in WordPress hosting.

They offer three separate packages that are suited for your blogging and website needs.

The packages for WP hosting range from $3.95 to $12.95 a month.

hostpapa wordpress hosting plan

All packages include:

  • 2 to unlimited websites
  • Free domain registration
  • 100 to unlimited GB of SSD storage
  • Unmetered bandwidth
  • 100 to unlimited email accounts
  • All essential WP features
  • Jetpack at no cost and pre to installed

The more expensive packages include advanced and/or premium WP features.

HostPapa is an innovative web hosting service provider. Their unique approach is modern and necessary.

For the prices they offer, the features are plentiful.

They are the first on our list to offer the most amount of unmetered features we have seen thus far.

They also are the first to have upload times in milliseconds and a 99.9% uptime guarantee.

Bloggers and blogging sites have begun to favor HostPapa because of its vast choices of features.

They are also favored because of their eco-friendly approach. HostPapa is growing at a fast rate.

It will continue on our radar as long as it continues the way it is going.


HostGator web hosting


  • One-click installs
  • Free Domain for first year
  • 99.9% uptime guarantee


Another popular web hosting service that has been on the market for close to two decades is HostGator.

It has been a favorite among bloggers and blogging sites for quite some time and consistently appear on every list of best web hosting services.

Since its beginning in 2002, it has grown to host over 8 million websites.

Tier speed is great (under one second), and so is the uptime (99.9% guarantee).

Best of all, they offer great prices for the features they offer.

HostGator has everything you need to get your website rolling:

For those needing a small amount of online rental space, HostGator has three plans available.

Their prices go from $2.75 to $5.25 a month.

hostgator shared hosting plans

The packages include:

  • 1 to unlimited domains
  • one click WP installs
  • Free WP/cPanel website transfer (great for bloggers!)
  • Unmetered bandwidth
  • Free SSL certificate
  • Free domain (for one year)
  • Unlimited storage

The more expensive package includes:

  • Dedicated IP
  • SEO tools
  • An upgrade to Positive SSL

For more control, and better quality results, GatorHost offers three packages of VPS web hosting.

The packages go from $19.95 to $39.95 a month.

hostgator vps hosting plans

The packages include:

  • 2 to 8 GB of RAM
  • 2 to 4 cores CPU
  • 120 to 240 GB disc space
  • Unmetered bandwidth
  • Flexible software (full root access)
  • Unlimited hosting of domains
  • Email, databases
  • FTP accounts
  • Site templates
  • Script installer
  • Development tools
  • Weekly backups

For bloggers and blogging sites that have a large following, HostGator has the plans you need.

HostGator offers three packages for dedicated hosting. This service is one of the best we have seen so far.

They go from $89.98 to $139.99 a month.

hostgator dedicated hosting plans

The dedicated hosting packages include:

  • 4 to 8 core/8 to 16 thread
  • Intel Xeon to D CPU
  • 8 to 30 GB RAM
  • 1 TB HDD to 1 TB SSD
  • Unmetered bandwidth
  • Compatibility with Windows or Linux
  • 100% server control
  • Data to center to level protection
  • IP based firewall, and flexible control on Linux (cPanel, WHM) and Windows (Plesk, Webmatrix)
  • DDoS protection
  • IP based firewall
  • Flexible controls
  • 24/7/365 support
  • Full control

For all, you bloggers out there, newbies or veterans, HostGator has some of the best offers for an initial term.

HostGator offers some of the lowest prices we have seen for this type of hosting service.

The packages vary from $5.95 to $9.95 a month.

hostgator wordpress hosting plan

The packages include:

  • 1  to 3 sites
  • 100k to 300k visits per month
  • 1 to 3 GB backup memory
  • Free SSL certificate
  • Advanced security
  • Easy control panel
  • Free domain (for one year)
  • Free site transfers
  • Unmetered bandwidth:
  • Uptime: 99.9% all the time guaranteed
  • One to click installs: easy to integrate apps
  • Free SSL certificate
  • Customer support: feel Free to call, live chat, or Tweet at any time. You can also find answers in their library and FAQ’s
  • 45-day money-back guarantee

Whether a new website or an existing one, HostGator is a great option.

Easily transfer your existing blogs and content, or make a brand new site with a few steps.

The prices of HostGator are relatively low, and they often have offers and online coupons to keep your membership prices low.

Because of this, bloggers have been turning to HostGator since 2002.


Inmotion web hosting


  • One-Click Installs
  • Free Domain and Website Builder
  • 24/7/365 Customer Support


Launched in 2001, InMotion has slowly gained momentum. With over 300K domains up to date, they have acquired a positive reputation among bloggers and blogging sites.

This is mainly because their focus is on speedy web hosting, a feature we all like.

Additionally, InMotion owns Web Hosting Hub.

Web Hosting Hub is a website design company that focuses its services on new bloggers as well as small businesses.

The prices are affordable, and Web Hosting Hub, like InMotion, is gaining momentum.

For bloggers needing a modest hosting server, this is a good deal.

For shared hosting InMotion has three packages that vary from $5.99 to $14.99 a month (2-year term).

inmotion shared hosting plans

All packages include:

  • Free domain
  • 2 to 100 websites
  • 50 to 200 GB SSD
  • Unlimited bandwidth
  • 3x to 6x performance
  • 10 to unlimited email addresses
  • Free SSL
  • Security suite
  • Marketing tools
  • 24/7/365 support
  • cPanel included
  • Domain transfer
  • Free Website builder
  • Email
  • Host multiple Websites
  • One to click installs
  • Unlimited bandwidth
  • Security and protection 24/7
  • 99.9% uptime, no downtime for transfers

The more expensive package also includes Pro Support LA.

This is where InMotion differs from other web hosting sites we have seen so far.

InMotion offers two styles for VPS hosting – A managed account ($29.99 to $83.99 a month), and an unmanaged Cloud VPS service ($5.00 to $160 a month).

A managed account is for beginners and they will help you every step of the way.

The unmanaged account is for experienced users that can take care of their websites and their management by themselves.

inmotion vps hosting plans

A managed account includes:

  • 4 to 8 GB RAM
  • 75 to 260 GB SSD
  • 4 to 6 TB bandwidth
  • 3 to 5 dedicated IP
  • cPanel
  • WHM included

The unmanaged accounts include:

  • 1 to 32 GB RAM
  • 1 to 8 CPU
  • 25 to 640 GB SSD
  • 1 to 7 TB in transfers 

All VPS accounts also include:

  • Dedicated resources
  • Up to 5 Free cPanel licenses and WHM license
  • Free server management
  • 90-day money-back guarantee
  • Launch assist
  • Resource monitoring dashboard
  • Unlimited MySQL databases
  • Optional root access
  • SSH and DDoS protection
  • Server snapshots (first on our list)

InMotion has the most packages available for this type of web hosting we have seen thus far.

With this range of availability, any high traffic blogging site can find exactly what they are looking for.

InMotion offers three different packages that vary from $139.99 to $259.99 a month, and a customizable package which will vary in cost depending on your needs and wants.

inmotion dedicated hosting plans

All packages include

  • Intel CPU’s (Xeon models)
  • 4C/8T  to  24C/48T
  • 16 GB to 1 TB RAM
  • 1 to 50 TB disc space
  • RAID technology
  • 6 to 25 TB transfer
  • Turbo speed
  • 8 to 11 MB CPU cache
  • Launch assist
  • 5 to 15 IP addresses
  • 2 to 5 hours of launch assist
  • Free setup
  • SSL certificate
  • Cisco firewall
  • Free SSD
  • 99.9% uptime guarantee
  • 30-day money-back guarantee
  • cPanel and WHM included
  • Re to bootless upgrades
  • CentOS experts

For this service, InMotion offers four packages (the most we have seen so far!).

With these packages, new and existing bloggers can get exactly what they need. The prices vary from $6.99 to $19.99 a month (2-year term).

inmotion wordpress hosting plans

The packages include:  

  • Free domain
  • Free SSL certificate
  • 1 to 6 websites
  • 4x to 12x performance and speed
  • 20K to 300K visitors per month
  • 50 to 200 GB SSD
  • Unlimited email accounts
  • Security suite
  • Marketing tools
  • WP web builder, website migration, and staging
  • Speed: load time is less than one second
  • Uptime: 99.9% uptime
  • Security
  • Customer Service: 24/7 service
  • Free Domain
  • Unlimited professional email
  • Use any plugin
  • Money to back guarantee
  • Free SSL
  • Custom WP website with over 200 templates

One thing we really liked about this site is that the packages are extremely helpful for beginners, and relaxed for veteran users.

InMotion has the tools for every blogger to succeed. Whether beginner or advanced, they have a package for you. This is why it has become a favorite of not only bloggers but a large number of business owners, as well.


iPage web hosting


  • Free domain for a year
  • SSL certificate included
  • 24/7 support


For over two decades, iPage has been around to help bloggers with their sites. They also focus on sole owners and small businesses.

They currently host over a million websites, and the count is rising. What we enjoyed about iPage is that they focus on ease of use, a great thing for newbies. They are simple and to the point. Also, their prices are very comfortable.

iPage does not have a large array of packages, but as we said, they get the work done:

There is only one shared hosting package. Simple, clean, and to the point. The price varies depending on the term: from $1.99 a month (36 months) to $2.99 a month (12 months).

ipage shared hosting plans

This package includes:

  • Unlimited websites
  • Unlimited storage
  • Free SSL certificate
  • Free domain (for one year)
  • Free standard email
  • Free website builder
  • 24/7 support

iPage has two packages to get your blogs up and your site up to date. Simple, clean, and to the point, the packages get your needs met. They are $3.75 a month (any term) and $6.95 a month (any term).

ipage wordpress hosting plans

The packages include:

  • 1 to unlimited website
  • SSL certificate
  • Free domain (for one year)
  • Unlimited storage
  • Unlimited bandwidth
  • pre to installed themes and plug to ins
  • 24/7 WP support.

The more expensive package also includes:

  • Automatic malware removal
  • SiteLock professional security.

Core Features For All Hosting Packages

iPage also includes core features for all packages which include:

  • Unlimited disk space
  • Scalable bandwidth
  • Unlimited domain names
  • Unlimited MySQL databases
  • Website builder
  • 1 to click installer
  • Customizable layouts
  • Easy to set up wizards
  • CMS
  • Online Store
  • PayPal integration (first on our list)
  • WordPress 1 to click install
  • CMS, Online store
  • Marketing integration
  • Customizable email address
  • Autoresponders
  • Virus checking
  • Speed: under one second upload time
  • Uptime: 99.9%

Their technology includes:

  • Enhanced security suite
  • Foundation control panel
  • 24/7 network monitoring
  • Site traffic reporting
  • Performance servers
  • UPS power backups and generators

IPage is very clean and simple. They take care of the very basic needs of hosting.

This is the reason bloggers have come to like iPage.

What we love about iPage is that most of their subscriptions are the same price for any term. For beginners iPage is the way to go.


cloudways web hosting


  • Auto-Healing Managed Cloud Servers
  • Proactive Application Monitoring
  • 24/7/365 Live Chat


Cloudways is a bit different from other hosting services we have seen so far.

It is solely cloud-based. For bloggers and content creators, they have managed WordPress hosting.

This allows you to focus on your writing, without the hassle of managing a server yourself. It is easy to use, a great thing for new bloggers, or for those who are not experienced with hosting technology.

Cloudways servers are extremely scalable because, as we said, they are cloud-based. It also has data centers worldwide, making upload times very fast.

You can also pick your cloud server among DigitalOcean, Linode, Vultr, AWS, and Google Cloud.

Cloudways is a bit different from other hosting services because you can pay for hourly service, or you can buy monthly packages.

You can pay as you go for services needed, as well. They do not have a contract lock to in, so you can cease your use whenever you want. You do not even need a credit card to begin using the service!

For monthly subscriptions, Cloudways has four packages to choose from for cloud hosting. They vary from $10 to $80 a month. These include:

  • 1 to 8 GB RAM
  • 1 to 4 Core
  • 25 to 160 GB of storage space
  • 1 to 5 TB of bandwidth

For bloggers, Freelancers, and small businesses, these packages are great. They are very easy to use and create great results.

Cloudways offers six fixed WordPress hosting packages (as well as pay as you go) that vary from $10 to $1035 a month:

cloudways wordpress hosting plans
  • 1 to 32 GB RAM
  • 1 to 8 Core
  • 25 to 640 GB of storage space
  • 1 to 7 TB of bandwidth


All of the Cloudways plans include:

  • 24/7/365 Support
  • Free SSL
  • CDN Add to on
  • Free Migration
  • Unlimited Application Installation
  • Team Management
  • Dedicated Firewalls
  • 24/7 Real to time Monitoring
  • Automated Backups
  • Staging Environment
  • Optimized With Advanced Caches
  • Auto Healing
  • Regular Security Patching
  • HTTP/2 Enabled Servers
  • SSH and SFTP Access

Cloudways has an excellent support system. They offer 24/7 accessibility through online ticketing, email, live chat, phone access, proactive application monitoring, and fast ticket response times.

Their performance is on a higher scale, as they have dedicated environment resources. Their SSD drives are known to be 3x faster than other cloud hosting sites. They also include “Breeze,” which is engineered in-house, making WordPress performance one of the best on the market.

Security is not an issue with Cloudways. They offer dedicated firewalls, 1 to click Free SSL installation, Regular security patching, two to factor authorization, and Bot protection.

On top of all this, you can customize your server to fit your needs. You can change providers, extend your storage, scale your servers, switch your PHP versions with one click, switch from MySQL and MariaDB, and even switch your data center.

The simplicity that Cloudways offers is its most attractive feature. Easy to use, fast to upload, excellent resources, and the latest in cloud technology make it a valuable tool for bloggers.


justhost web hosting


  • 1-Click WordPress Install
  • Free Domain and Website Builder
  • Free Marketing Tools


Since 2002, JustHost has been one of the leading hosting sites. With over one million hosted websites on their platform, it is no wonder they have gained a good reputation.

The company focuses on simplicity and ease of use. They provide two types of web hosting: VPS and dedicated.

JustHost is another hosting service that uses cloud technology (OpenStack, KVM), thus providing affordable managed hosting services.

For bloggers that are looking for little hassle and fuss, JustHost is a simple, effective answer.  

For VPS web hosting and a larger control of your blogging and website, JustHost has four plans to choose from.

With the purchase of any of the four packages, you automatically receive instant provisioning, guaranteed server resources, and managed services. The price ranges from $19.99 to $59.99 a month.

justhost vps hosting plans

The packages include:

  • From dual to triple core
  • 2 to 6 GB RAM
  • 30 to 90 GB storage
  • 1 to 3 TB bandwidth per month
  • Free domain name for life (the first on our list)
  • 1 to 3 IP addresses
  • 64 to bit CentOS 6.5

JustHost has three plans for dedicated web hosting. All three plans of JustHost dedicated web to hosting include Instant provisioning, mirrored storage, and enhanced caching.

The packages vary in price from $79.99 to $119.99 a month.

justhost dedicated hosting plans

The plans  include:

  • 4C/8T Intel Xeon processors
  • 4 to 8 MB cache
  • 4 to16 GB RAM
  • 500 to 1000 GB (RAID 1)
  • 5 to 15 TB bandwidth per month
  • Free domain name
  • 3 to 5 IP addresses
  • 64 to bit CentOS 6.5.

All JustHost packages also include:

  • Instant provisioning: your account will be active within seconds
  • Mirrored storage: all accounts have data protection with RAID 1
  • Root access: have complete control over your CentOS and server
  • Enhanced caching: caching with its own RAM
  • Enhanced cPanel: access the cPanel, server management, and all shared hosting tools
  • Additional storage: an additional 500 GB ($50), 1 TB ($100) or 2 TB ($200) per month
  • Dedicated support: exclusive access to a support line, connect through email, live chat, or phone
  • 30-day money-back guarantee: “no to nonsense” refund policy, and no lock-ins
  • Free domain: Free for one year (for plans longer than one year), and Free domain transfer
  • Unlimited domains: with unlimited plans you can manage all your websites fro the same account and server
  • Uptime: 99.9% uptime guarantee
  • Easy integration: easy to set up, optimize, design, install apps, advertise, and promote.
  • Free Script library: each account has the availability to install WordPress, osCommerce, phpBB, and Joomla.

JustHost has a very simple outlook. Although they only offer a handful of packages and extras, they make up for it with the features.

The packages JustHost offers are great for bloggers, from beginners to veterans. Their ease of use makes managing your website(s) easy.

Their uptime is also proven to be at 99.9%, and their upload time is less than one second. Their customer support was one of the top rankings in our observations.

It is definitely worthy of a shot.


greengeeks web hosting


  • SSD Storage Arrays
  • Best Speed Technologies
  • Expert 24/7 Support


Like true California style, GreenGeeks is an eco to friendly web hosting service (the second on our list).

They began in 2006 and launched in 2008, in Los Angeles California. Since then, they have made a huge effort to offer exclusively green web hosting plans.

Although still a small company (approximately 300K customers), they have gained attention from many bloggers.

The company has a passion for clean energy and put back 3 times the power they consume with renewable energy.

GreenGeeks truly are “geeks.” They have customers in over 150 countries, striving to provide each one with the best web hosting experience.

Along with their “green” focus, they also focus highly on performance. Because they are focused on providing great performance, they became one of the first companies to add the newest PHP 7 protocol.

This boosted their upload time from .45 to .9 seconds. This is one of the fastest upload times we have seen so far. 

GreenGeeks offers regular shared web hosting services, VPS hosting, dedicated hosting, and WordPress hosting.  Their packages cater to the beginner level bloggers to advanced level bloggers.

Their prices are also on the lower end of the spectrum.

With three different packages, GreenGeeks offers an array of features for this service. The prices range from $2.95 to $11.95 a month.

greengeeks shared hosting plans

The packages include:

  • 1 to unlimited websites
  • Unlimited web space (first one on our list to offer this with all packages)
  • Unmetered data transfer (also a first)
  • Free SSL certificate
  • Free domain name (for one year)
  • Free nightly backup (another first)
  • Unlimited email accounts (first, again)
  • WordPress installer and updates
  • Unlimited databases
  • Standard to 4x performance
  • LSCache
  • 300% green energy match (the only one on our list to offer this feature)
  • 30-day money-back guarantee. 

GreekGeeks has three packages for VPS hosting. They range from $39.95 to $109.95 a month.

greengeeks vps hosting plans

The packages include:

  • 2 to 8 GB RAM
  • 4 to 6 vCPU
  • 50 to 150 GB SSD space
  • 10 TB for transfers
  • cPanel
  • Free SSL certificate
  • Free website transfer
  • Free Softaculous transfer
  • Managed support
  • 30-day money-back guarantee.

Additionally, all VPS accounts are fully managed, monitored 24/7, secured 100% of the time, and have a dedicated IP address.

Dedicated hosting has four available packages. Their prices range from $169 to $439 a month.

GreenGeeks Dedicated Hosting

These packages include Intel Atom 330 Dual-core ($169) or a Xeon, 2 to 16 GB DDR 3 memory, 1x to 2x 500 GB SATA drive, 5 IP addresses, and 10,000 GB transfers.

With three different packages, GreenGeeks offers an array of features for this service. The prices range from $2.95 to $11.95 a month.

GreenGeeks WordPress Hosting

They include:

  • 1 to unlimited websites
  • Unlimited web space (first one on our list to offer this with all packages)
  • Unmetered data transfer (also a first)
  • Free SSL certificate, Free domain name (for one year)
  • Free nightly backup (another first)
  • Unlimited email accounts (first, again)
  • WordPress installer and updates
  • Unlimited databases
  • Standard to 4x performance
  • LSCache
  • 300% green energy match (the only one on our list to offer this feature)
  • 30-day money-back guarantee.

One thing we liked about this company, aside from their green approach, is that they include many of the features in the same amounts for all their plans, no matter the price.

For a different experience with entirety in web to hosting commodities, GreenGeeks is the way to go.


hostarmada web hosting


  • Lightning Speed
  • Reliable Security
  • 24×7 Technical Support


HostArmada is the newest hosting site on our list. Launched in 2019, they are privately owned.

They currently have just over 2000 clients but are continuing to grow. HostArmada has a cloud SSD based server.

They opt for Linode Cloud. They use LiteSpeed Technology, making them very powerful.

It also handles more visitors and requests better than other cloud hosting services we have seen thus far.

For bloggers, we are happy to report that HostArmada is WordPress friendly. They also offer a LiteSpeed plugin for WordPress. This will improve coding and optimize digital media.

Host Armada has nine servers across the globe, making it a great tool for traveling/international bloggers. Additionally, their uptime is 99.9%. Upload times vary in seconds (from 1 to 13 seconds) depending on the server used.

HostArmada offers only managed cloud SSD shared hosting. They offer three different plans. The prices vary from $3.33 to $4.72 a month.

HostArmada Shared Hosting

HostArmada’s plans include:

  • 1 to Unlimited Websites
  • 15 to 40 GB Cloud SSD Storage
  • 2 to 6 Cores CPU
  • 2 to 6 GB RAM
  • Unmetered Bandwidth
  • Free Domain Register/Transfer
  • ~10K to ~120K Unique Visitors (first on our list to offer unique visitors)
  • 7 to 21 Daily Backups
  • Default Hosting Perks
  • Prepare for Launch Perks
  • Free cPanel
  • Free SSL for all sites
  • Web server cache
  • Cloud SSD Storage
  • Support 24/7/365

The more expensive plans may include:

  • Warp Features Perks
  • Speed Reaper Perks
  • Dynamic Caching

Similar to the previous, HostArmada offers only managed cloud VPS hosting. They have four plans to choose from. The plans are priced from $41.21 to $101.21 a month.

HostArmada VPS Hosting

These include:  

  • 50 to 320 GB SSD Storage
  • 1 to 6 Cores CPU
  • 2 to16 GB RAM
  • 2 to 8 TB Bandwidth
  • 40 Gbps Speed In
  • 2K to 6K Mbps Speed Out
  • Daily Backups
  • cPanel
  • Nginx Web Service
  • Free cPanel
  • Free SSL for all sites
  • Web server cache
  • KVM virtualization
  • Cloud SSD Storage
  • Support 24/7/365

For the ultimate in control and flexibility of your website and all your online needs, HostArmada offers dedicated web hosting.

They offer three scalable plans that will help your website grow. The plans' costs vary from $149.00 to $329.00 a month.

HostArmada Dedicated Hosting

The plans include:

  • 4 to 16 Cores CPU
  • 160 to 640 GB Cloud SSD Storage
  • 8 to 32 GB RAM
  • 5 to 7 TB Bandwidth
  • Free Domain Name
  • cPanel/WHM Control Panel
  • NGINX Web Server
  • Free cPanel
  • Free SSL for all sites
  • Web server cache
  • SSD storage and technology
  • Root access
  • Support 24/7/365
  • Daily Backups

Even though HostArmada is fairly new to the market, they also have Managed WordPress Hosting. It has proven to be fast, reliable, and secure.

It is a Cloud SSD hosting and extremely useful for WP blogging and sites. There are three plans available. The prices vary from $3.33 to $4.72 a month.

HostArmada WordPress Hosting

The plans include:

  • 1 to Unlimited Websites
  • 15 to 40 GB Cloud SSD Storage
  • 2 to 6 Cores CPU
  • 2 to 6 GB RAM
  • Unmetered Bandwidth
  • FREE Domain Register/Transfer
  • ~10K to ~120K Unique Visitors
  • 7 to 21 Daily Backups
  • Default Hosting Perks
  • Prepare for Launch Perks
  • Web server Cache
  • SSD cloud storage
  • cPanel
  • 24/7/365 support

The more expensive plans may include:

  • Warp Features Perks
  • Speed Reaper Perks
  • Dynamic Caching

HostArmada is growing. They have a clear idea of what they want to accomplish and are working towards it every day. It is the newest hosting company that we have reviewed but shows a promising future.

It is a good place to start blogging, if you have little experience, or if you want to try something new.

WPX Hosting

wpx web hosting


  • Free site speed optimization
  • Free unlimited site transfers to WPX
  • Free lightning fast CDN


WPX Hosting is the most unique hosting service on our list. It is solely a Premium Managed WordPress Hosting server. For bloggers and website builders, this is an exceptional choice to consider.

CEO, Terry Kyle, has had much experience with web hosting, and after many years of frustration and disappointment, decided to create his own web hosting company.  

WPX has three main objectives. Since 2013, they have focused solely on working on them.

  1. Superior page loading speed: They do this through their owned CDN, which is free for all WPX customers. They also own and underload their SSD servers. They strive to keep these working under any amount of traffic.
    1. 30 second average support response time: available 24/7/365 by live chat. Their support agents understand the ins and outs of WordPress and hosting, and are trained to solve problems without transfers.
    2. Jargon-free simplicity: For customers in the hosting user admin panel, making it easy, fast and functional

In addition to this, WPX uses part of its proceeds to help homeless, sheltered, and disabled cats and dogs. They are currently providing over 500 animals with food, medical care, and shelter. They also rehome approximately 1000 animals per year.

As stated earlier, WPX Hosting only has one service: WordPress Hosting. For this service, WPX has three available packages. The prices range from $20.83 to $83.25 a month (yearly rate).

WPX WordPress Hosting

The packages include:

  • 5 to 35 websites
  • 10 to 40 GB storage
  • 100 GB to unlimited bandwidth
  • WPX Cloud CDN
  • 30 Second Average Live Chat Response Time 24/7/365
  • High-Speed Custom CDN With 26 Global Edge Locations
  • Unlimited Site Migrations To WPX*
  • Unlimited SSLs
  • Staging Areas
  • Email
  • Manual Backups
  • DDoS Protection
  • Daily Malware Scanning & Removal
  • PHP 7.X
  • 30 Day Money-Back
  • 28 Day Automatic Backups
  • 99.95% Uptime Guarantee
  • 1-Click WordPress Installations
  • USA, UK, and Australian Hosting Locations

WPX may be limited in their hosting availability. However, they are experts in what they do.

Their focus is on one service, and they have shown a superb level of quality in doing so. For bloggers who are focused, and want to have the best WordPress hosting, WPX is one of the best choices.

Their outlook is different from any of the hosting services we have seen, but it works.

Although their prices may seem a bit steep, we think it is worth it for the service they provide.

Factors To Consider Before Buying A Web Hosting Plan

After reviewing the 12 best web hosting services for bloggers, you might be a bit confused (and maybe a little dizzy).

Nevertheless, if you are looking for the best option in web hosting services for your blog, there are many things to consider.

Before you lock-down with a company, consider all your options. Above all, keep in mind that details matter.

The first thing to consider before any of the following points is to decide which type of web hosting you want (shared, VPS, dedicated).  


There are a few points when it comes to finances. Before you begin to look for the web hosting company and type of web hosting you want, think budget.

How much money are you willing to invest? Planning a budget will help narrow down your choices tremendously. This will help you decide if you will go for shared, VPS, or dedicated web hosting.

It will also help you figure out if or not you will go for WordPress hosting, as well. Once you decide how much you are willing and able to spend, you can move on to the next parts of finance.

Remember 90% of web hosting services offer huge discounts for the first year IF you sign on for more than one year.

This brings us to another important finance point. The money-back-guarantee is extremely important.

Make sure you have a guarantee that you are comfortable with. Read the terms and conditions for the money-back guarantee very carefully. 

This way, if you are unsatisfied with the services you purchased, you can avoid a headache and get all your money back.

Quality And Performance

These factors are the second ones to take into consideration after finances. By now, you should know the type of web hosting you are looking for and your budget.

Unless you are very tech-savvy, this might require some research. The key factors to keep in mind are speed, bandwidth, storage space, RAM, and security.

Most web hosting sites throw in many “extras” that are second-tier factors.

To get the best service for your money, make sure the service you purchase has the speed you require.

Your website needs to load in under two seconds, or you are likely to lose a visitor to your website.

Hand in hand with speed is the bandwidth. Make sure you get enough bandwidth so your viewers can get the information they want in as little time as possible.

Storage is important for growing websites. The more you have, the more files you can store. It will also keep your site running smoothly. Storage space allows every single file you want visible to upload fast.

When your site is at a high traffic point, RAM availability will keep your website running without errors. RAM is responsible for the necessary data to the CPU.

When your site is processing multiple requests and transactions, insufficient RAM could make your website crash, or display a 500 Internal Server Error.

Security is critical when hosting a website. Your website needs to be safe from attacks and hackers.

For this to be possible, your web-hosting server also needs to be protected. This is why it is important to make sure your hosting service has the best security.

Making sure you have the best quality in the above mentioned will help point you in the right direction for the right choice for you.

The extra features your service offers make your site better, but are not always necessary.

They are there to make your service experience easier, and it is a perk.

If there are specific extras you are looking for, take a deep look into these extra features lists to further narrow down your choices.


Nothing is more frustrating than a technical issue. Computers make mistakes, as well.

Having support availability round the clock is an option you cannot wager on. Most of the web hosting services we reviewed offer 24/7/365 support.

However, the response time was specifically given by only one service (WPX). Getting a speedy response to an encountered issue is something we all want.

Everyone knows time is money. Waiting around for minutes for a response may seem like hours when we are on a deadline.

This is why it is important to research. The support system of the service you are looking to purchase needs to be top quality.

Terms And Conditions

The last thing to do to make your final decision is to read the terms and conditions.

Read them for every single plan, and feature. Read them thoroughly. Ask questions if you are not clear about something.

If you are not careful, you might find yourself stuck with something you do not want.

Many companies have hidden fees, limited time spaces for dropping services, or lock-ins. Make sure that the terms and conditions match what you are willing to be ok with.

If there is something, you are not in agreement with, contact the company. Ask questions. Make sure you understand them fully and clearly before you buckle down.

Keeping all this in mind, you are sure to narrow down your list to a handful of choices. Once you have these choices, you will need to consider wisely.

Maybe go through their services once more. This way, you are sure to get exactly what you want and need. Best of all, it is the best way to ensure you get the most bang for your buck.

Our Final Thoughts

We hope we have made it easier for you to understand the world of web hosting services. We looked at some of the best web hosting services available in the market currently and have highlighted their features and pricing so that you can take an informed decision before you invest in a hosting service.

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