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One well-respected and famous diet and wellness author wrote years ago FloraSpring Review  that if anyone ever “truly unlocked the keys to permanent fat loss, they may actually suffer the same fate as JFK.”It is a misconception that to burn belly fat, we must do lots of sit-ups and crunches. To burn belly fat, we must watch what we eat, increase our overall energy output to be greater than our intake of food and decrease our stress levels will also increase our belly fat burning capabilities.

To burn belly fat we must cut down on our intake of fatty, rich foods. We should avoid processed foods, sodas, cookies and fast food. Eat 5-6 meals throughout the day each meal consisting of foods from the basic food groups. When we control the amount and quality of our food, our bodies will not store the fat on our bellies, and our bodies will burn the existing belly fat as energy.

Burning belly fat, our energy expenditure needs to be greater than our total food intake. So by increasing our physical activity, we promote building muscles used for that activity. For example: running will build the muscles of the legs. By increasing our muscle strength, we are also increasing our lean body mass, which also makes our bodies burn fat to help fuel the increased activities that we are doing.



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