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The most important technological advancement in the last 20 years has to be attributed to data science. Big Data, for example, is the world’s fastest-growing and most widely applied stream of data-based technologies. In recent months, we have seen a phenomenal drive in the businesses to professionals with data science certification who could take these organizations to the next era of data-based digital transformation journeys.

Let’s check out the biggest global leaders that are leading some of the highest percentage data science projects in the world.


China is considered the global testing lab for big data science projects. The country has adopted some of the most unique ways to extend the reach of its various data science initiatives to transform the lives of millions of Chinese people. In recent months, Chinese data science professionals have come out with some of the most lucrative AI and machine learning innovations that could transform the way various industries look in the near future. Automobile, manufacturing, internet marketing, and crypto-based IT security solutions are certainly making some amazing turn around with reliant Big Data and Data management practices.


Germany is sometimes referred to as the healthcare innovation lab of the world. In the healthcare segment, we are witnessing a rise in demand for highly qualified web analysts for healthcare and personalized medicine fields.

Companies like Google, Microsoft, and Amazon Web Services (AWS) are heavily invested in the European region and these companies consistently look out to hire trained data scientists from all parts of the world who can work in German cities. Indian data scientists make up for the most diverse diaspora in the German tech industry.


By virtue of its solid vision into the future with sustainable materials, the Japanese data science market has picked pace in the last 5-6 years. Despite coming late to the party, Japan is heading to some remarkable economic infrastructure with AI for semiconductors, telecom, and automotive industries. Indian professionals are often hired to lead data science projects in Japanese companies.

US and Canada

The US and Canadian data science projects face a serious challenge. While demand for data science projects continues to be very high from the markets, the supply of qualified data professionals remains a huge problem. These countries look out for trained Data science professionals. What started as an ancillary operation within the internet market has now become a global disruptor in the true sense. US and Canadian organizations certainly employ one of the largest groups of Indian-origin professionals as far as data science certifications are concerned.

South Korea, the Netherlands, France, the UK, and Australia are also viable destinations for data science projects.