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When your Bigpond ADSL issues is rounding on the brain then nothing to be concerned about it. The first thing you need to inspect whether you have used all the monthly data that shows that your data has been exceeded

  • Bigpond ADSL issue can happen because of scheduled maintenance and outage. So, in that case, we must wait for the official confirmation
  • If you find that the no outage issue in your location then you can act according to the process given here:
  • Please look into all the wires, Wi-Fi devices, modem and make sure that they are connected correctly
  • Also verify that the light on your device or modem is on
  • You can power off modem for 10-15 minutes and then restart it to see if it has been connected or not
  • Moreover, you may also shut down your computer, because may be sometimes the problem lies on the device. After turning on the computer see if the internet connection has secured
  • Shut off internet browser completely and then launch it again because sometimes the website that user explore, may have the problem itself

If everything has been done by your side then please ensure that you are not downloading big files, software and have lots of photos in your computer. Such activities can disturb the speed and connection of your internet. However, you can get the best solutions from the Bigpond Customer Support Number.

More Info: https://www.bigpondonlineservice.com/blog/bigpond-customer-care-melbourne/

More Info: https://www.adsct.com.au/ad/brisbane/bigpond-customer-care-61-1800-921251?id=1375290