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MLM in itself is so diverse and vibrant with a wide range of compensation plans to choose from. Each plan has its own unique abilities to develop a business and hence it is critical to choose the right plan to build your business. Having said that, among all the available plans, the most simplest and rewarding is Binary plan.

Binary plan is a two-legged plan with left and right leg. Compensation is paid based on the weaker leg sales or specific criteria set by MLM companies. The Binary MLM business process involves marketing, prospecting, recruiting, training, and payout. Each of these has its own weightage in making the business successful but it also requires a lot of effort to do this manually. 

So, what comes in handy? When you have a lot of strategies to work out, a whole lot of problems to face, a good deal of decisions to make, these daily business processes should not bother you. Right? That’s when an effective software solution comes to your rescue. A platform that can complement your commitment makes it all the more easier for you to manage your business. A technically advanced platform can automate your business completely saving your time and money. 


Know how to choose from a list of available software options in the marketplace. Take this tip. Look far into the future of your business. In the future, you will see your network growing and business expanding across borders. In that case, you need software that is scalable to meet the growing demands of your business with a lot more of these essential features:

  1. Business Intelligence

Software-driven by BI delivers insights about your business performance helping you make proactive business decisions. It assists you in shaping new strategies by analyzing the effect of your current strategies, customer behavior, and market trends and patterns.

  1. Super-brilliant Commission Calculation Engine

In your Binary MLM business, though the simplest of all MLM plans, commission calculation is still an arduous task. It involves accuracy and precision. It contributes to the trust and transparency of your business. Entrusting these tasks with an intelligent commission engine can take care of these hideous but important tasks saving the face of your business.

  1. Internationalization

When your business extends to new territories it should conform to the legalities and culture of that particular country. Configuring multiple languages, currencies, and legal policies is a hard task if your system is not customizable per se. 

  1. Distributor Engagement and Retention Tools

An efficient system should know your priorities. Distributors are an important part of your MLM business. While a binary plan ensures them with rapid growth opportunities, your software should complement that too. Tools and programs to retain distributors include training and self-development programs, rewards and loyalty programs, and professional upliftment programs to keep them active and motivated. An innovative software system comes with all this beforehand. All you will need to do is, employ the software and watch your distributors grow, both personally and professionally.

  1. Intelligent Promotional Tools

Let the world hear you out with the right set of tools to promote your business. These preset tools promote your business systematically through social media marketing campaigns, Email marketing templates, Ad Banners, and so much more. All you need to do is to fill in your ideas and schedule the time. It’s market-ready.

A one-stop-solution for your MLM Business will make the entrepreneur in you, be at ease. It is sure to let you customize and configure your business anytime and in anyway you want. Be it a change in the compensation plan or a minute change in your business process. A customizable system with easily configurable options lets you mold your MLM business with strategies you think are effective for your business. 



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