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What is a BIPAP machine, and how does it work?

BiLevel Positive Airway Pressure (BiPAP) is a term that refers to two levels of positive airway pressure. Patients with obstructive sleep apnea or COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) are advised to use it. This gadget is crucial for COPD sufferers since it is designed to deliver the prescribed oxygen pressure into the lungs while the patient is sleeping. Without the machine, obstructive events can occur, with significant implications resulting from a lack of oxygen passing through the airways. These devices let patients obtain a good night's sleep without having to worry about respiratory problems.

Patients with OSA are usually administered CPAP devices to help them breathe more easily and regularly while sleeping. In more serious cases, however, the patient's respiratory system is too weak to support breathing against the constant pressure given by a CPAP. When this happens, the BiPAP can give oxygen at lower pressures during exhale. As a result, it aids the patients in exhaling.

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What is a BIPAP machine and how does it work?

The BiPAP machine has two pressure settings:

• IPAP pressure – Inspiratory Positive Airway Pressure – is the pressure delivered by the device during the inspiration phase, which is higher.
• EPAP stands for Expiratory Positive Airway Pressure, which is the pressure delivered by the device during the exhale phase.

The gadget boasts the pressure to keep the airways open when the patient inhales while sleeping. Simultaneously, the gadget will lessen the pressure on exhaling to allow for a more pleasant breathing rhythm. As a result, the patient may breathe out easily without having to struggle with the high prescription pressure that is solely needed for inhalation. The BiPAP device can be programmed to enable breaths a certain number of times per minute based on the pressure setting that can be suggested after the patient's sleep study (Timed breathing setting). The BiPAP machine is substantially more efficient and comfortable for the patient in severe respiratory conditions than the single prescribed pressure CPAP machine.