1. Cryptocurrency

BISSNEX Embraces Canada’s New Cryptocurrency Regulatory Framework

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In the world of cryptocurrency, security and compliance have always been the top concerns for investors. Recently, the Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) released a series of proposed regulatory requirements specifically targeting public investment funds seeking to invest in cryptocurrencies.

The aim is to better protect investors and reduce risks. This change brings new opportunities to Canada’s cryptocurrency market, but also presents new challenges. In this context, the cryptocurrency exchange BISSNEX is actively adapting to the new regulatory environment, striving to provide investors with a secure, compliant, and efficient platform for trading cryptocurrency.

According to the proposed amendments by the CSA, only alternative investment funds and non-redeemable investment funds are allowed to directly purchase, sell, or hold cryptocurrencies, while other mutual funds can only gain exposure to cryptocurrencies through investing in these funds. This regulation clarifies the investment path for cryptocurrencies and provides clear guidance for market participants.

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As a trading platform that adheres to these new regulations, BISSNEX ensures that all cryptocurrency transactions take place within exchanges recognized by Canadian securities regulatory authorities, guaranteeing the legitimacy and transparency of investments.

These new regulations also require that the invested assets must be interchangeable and must be insured and stored in cold wallets. This sets higher standards for the security management of cryptocurrencies. BISSNEX has implemented advanced technology and strict management measures in this regard.

All cryptocurrencies on the platform are stored using the latest cold storage technology, greatly reducing the risk of being hacked. To provide comprehensive protection, BISSNEX also offers insurance for all traded cryptocurrencies, ensuring the security of investors’ assets.

To further enhance transparency and security in transactions, the CSA requires that the internal management of custodians be subject to annual reviews by public accountants.

BISSNEX welcomes this requirement and actively cooperates with relevant audit work, conducting regular financial and security audits to ensure compliance with the highest industry standards. This not only enhances investors’ trust in BISSNEX but also sets a good example for the entire cryptocurrency industry.

The CSA’s proposed amendments have entered the public consultation phase and are expected to be completed within 90 days. During this process, BISSNEX will actively participate in discussions and provide feedback, contributing to the future development of a broader cryptocurrency regulatory framework.

As an emerging force in the industry, BISSNEX is not just a trading platform but also a pioneer dedicated to promoting the healthy development of the industry and protecting the interests of investors.

Under the guidance of the CSA’s new regulations, BISSNEX not only provides a regulatory-compliant and security-focused trading environment but also demonstrates its leadership in industry development and innovation.

For investors seeking success in the cryptocurrency market, BISSNEX is a trusted partner. As the cryptocurrency market continues to mature and standardize, BISSNEX will continue to lead global investors towards a safer and more reliable cryptocurrency future.