1. Health

Black Jaggery: Health Benefits And Nutritional Value

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At some point or another, virtually every family is confronted with the question of whether or not they should stock their pantry with sweets. However, even though their allure can cause even the most stringent diets to fail, it is abundantly clear that consuming excessive sugar is detrimental to health and can lead to various medical conditions.


Keep some black jaggery in your kitchen cupboards so you can partake in sugary indulgences without jeopardising your body. Sugarcane juice and palm tree extract are the two main ingredients in producing black jaggery, also known as palm jaggery. It would have all of the advantages of a natural product while having none of the disadvantages of its packaged equivalents.


What Is Black Jaggery?

Black jaggery, produced from cane juice and palm isolate, is absolutely necessary for your home kitchen if you want to partake in sugary treats without putting your body at risk. In several regions of South India, black jaggery is referred to as Karupatti. Karupatti is a sugar substitute used in place of added sugars.


It would have all of the advantages of a natural product while having none of the disadvantages of its packaged equivalents. This sweetener is higher in nutrients and vitamins than other sweeteners, such as sugar, which can lead to diabetes and obesity. It not only makes sweet treats taste better but also does not contain any artificial ingredients and assists in weight loss.

The Importance Of Jaggery In A Healthy Diet

Because it has a lower glycemic index of 35 than regular sugar, black jaggery is a wholesome and nutritious alternative to regular sugar. Additionally, because it is unpolished and contains iron, potassium, copper, manganese, and zinc, it offers many health advantages.

100 grams of black jaggery have these components:


  • Calories- 383kcal
  • Protein- 0.4g 
  • Fat- 0.1g 
  • Carbs- 86g
  • Calcium- 363g
  • Iron- 11 mg
  • Phosphorous- 62 mg
  • Potassium- 1050mg
  • Magnesium 90mg
  • Magness- 0.5mg


What Are The Health Benefits Of Black Jaggery? 

Utilising black jaggery can result in a plethora of positive outcomes. It contains many different nutrients that are good for your body in general. Additionally, it can help those who suffer from anaemia and low haemoglobin levels due to a lack of iron. In addition, black jaggery is rich in magnesium, which is beneficial to the functioning of the central nervous system.


Not only these, but here we have enumerated additional positive effects that black jaggery has on one's health.

1. Assists In The Detoxification Of The Liver

Jaggery is a natural detoxifier that significantly lessens the amount of work that needs to be done by the liver, according to research conducted by the Central Food Technological Research Institute (CFTRI). The liver is purified by jaggery because it helps remove harmful toxins from the body. The elimination of toxins and waste from the body is facilitated by consuming black jaggery.


In addition to imparting flavour to your food, it helps purge toxins from your blood and bolsters your defence mechanisms. Therefore, chew on some jaggery to effectively cleanse your body.

2. Promotes Better Digestion

The digestive tract is cleansed by black jaggery, facilitating bowel movements. The elimination of toxins allows for improved digestion and absorption of nutrients from food. This product derived from plants regulates the bacteria in the gut and treats constipation and indigestion at the same time.

3. Reduces Menstrual Cramps

Doing any task can be a disaster if you have menstrual cramps. The consumption of a modest quantity of black jaggery powder, on the other hand, can assist you in overcoming these cramps. Endorphins, which help alleviate mood swings and period pain, are produced as a result of this activity.


4. Alleviates The Symptoms Of The Common Cold

You can alleviate the symptoms of a cold and cough by using jaggery. Two of these should be combined with hot water and consumed as a beverage, or they can be used in place of sugar in chai. 


As it causes the body to produce heat, dark jaggery is typically eaten during the winter when it is cold outside. In addition, the warming trend of black jaggery contributes to its incredible sweetness, which is responsible for its ability to cure viral diseases.

5. It Is Beneficial For Weight Loss

It may come as a surprise to learn that potassium-rich black jaggery contains this property. This raw sweetener's higher potassium content helps reduce water retention and bloating, making it a healthier alternative. Due to this, using this sweetener will assist you in losing weight, but for the best results, you should also adhere to a healthy diet and an active lifestyle.


According to research published in the Journal of Nutrition in 2018, using black jaggery as an alternative to white sugar led to significantly improved weight loss outcomes.

The Bottom Line

A lot of benefits come from using black jaggery as an alternative sweetener on a limited basis. You must first obtain it to take advantage of this product's beneficial effects on your health. Simply substitute it for regular white sugar in your cooking. It will be very beneficial to have it.


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