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Bitcoins, cryptocurrency, and blockchain network. Oh, wow!

Every sector, from the financial sector to the real estate business and yes, even Workincryptoglobal, is speculating about the effects that blockchain technology will have on their respective markets. Providing, of course, that they have a firm grasp on the meaning of the blockchain itself.

We are here to assist you in navigating the intricate terminologies and technical language that surround blockchain so that you can gain a better understanding of how the technology will impact recruiting on a more tangible level.


What is blockchain?

Whether you've heard about invest in blockchain technology previously, it was presumably in relation to the rise of cryptocurrencies like bitcoin. Blockchains are digital ledgers that record transactions securely. However, this is only one aspect of the whole narrative.

At its core, Blockchain is a computerised information system that has the potential to offer a secure technological framework for any number of services and goods that may be provided across a variety of industries. A specialist on blockchain proposes thinking about bitcoin in this way: “Just like email is a software that employs the internet, cryptocurrency is the most popular famous application that employs blockchain.”

Our information is currently kept on centralised servers and in databases. Amazon saves the information they collect about us in their central database every time we make an online purchase or check in to one of our social media accounts, and Fb does the exact same thing. However, it is risky to have all of that information in one location.

Bitcoin Decentralized Exchanges system that offers people authority over all of their personal data via a form of ledger, which is constantly being updated. This is made possible by the fact that blockchain records everything within real time. This is some pretty cool stuff.

However, distributed ledger technology is still in its infancy, and despite the fact that we do not fully understand how it will eventually develop, there are a few clear and convincing projections that can be made regarding the effect that it will have on the recruiting and hiring processes.

Three Important Facts Regarding Blockchain Recruiting

  • Verification of candidates may be completed more quickly

If you were to select a skilled candidate ten years ago, you would've have required them to have a degrees and perhaps only a few previous employment.

Based on the survey Multiple Decades Work conducted by Current Workplace, the vast majority of young adults (91%) said they do not plan to remain in their current work for more than 3 years. This indicates that the typical liberal employee will have somewhere between between ten and twenty various jobs during the course of their working life.

Even if the circumstances of our lives have evolved, the verification procedure has not kept pace. Referrals and thorough background are time-consuming processes that are also expensive and inconvenient for both the applicant and the recruiter.

All of the information that is entered into a blockchain network is subject to immediate and thorough validation. There will be no more contact with former managers. There is no longer any need to question whether or not the purported educational history of a person is accurate. The information provided is genuine and correct.


  • The second point is that resumes will never be the same again

Not only do qualified job applicants change, or even disappear extinct but applicants will also have full access to their personal data via centralised cv files that are upgraded in genuine with each and every new skill or certified. This is one of the many ways that block chain technology will affect the employment landscape.

Applicants will have the ability to rapidly update their credentials by means of a blockchain-backed cryptographic profile, which will also be automatically updated as the candidate progresses through their professional life. They might even go out and teach themselves a new ability, which would immediately increase their chances of getting a position.

      3 – There are certain flaws in it

Even while there are obvious advantages to using blockchain technology for both recruitment and employment, there remain a lot of important concerns that need to be answered.

How will candidates at lower levels connect with blockchain technology? It's possible that certain people looking for work are less likely to have a work history that easily demonstrates their value to potential future employers. Will these applicants be placed in an even more difficult position than they are now in?

What measures will be taken to ensure that blockchain technology treats all candidates equally? What role will it play in the recruitment process, both positively and negatively, and how will it affect bias? In addition, as is the case with all shiny new technology, there are still some very serious concerns regarding users' privacy.


Should you put any stock in the rumours?

Many industry experts are hailing blockchain technology as the most significant innovation to occur since the advent of the internet. And when someone makes assertions like that, it's natural to be sceptical.

But let's not forget that many people used to think of the internet as nothing more than a passing fad, and now look where we are!