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Submitted by Parag Gupta


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Language: English
From: Delhi
Cost and Management Accounting not only gives CA Inter students the knowledge but also the skills they need to analyze, manage, and controlling costs in the organization. It prepares the future CAs to advise companies on the roads to follow for full profitability and operational efficiency. The curriculum topics in CA Inter include techniques of costing, budgeting and variance analysis, cost control and cost reduction, and decision-making tools. The teaching style of CA Parag Gupta is characterized by concept-focused teaching, practical examples and case studies, comprehensive study materials, and an exam-oriented approach. In his interactive classes, students are encouraged to ask questions, participate in discussions and register for regular doubt sessions which help the teacher clear doubts and improve student performance. CA Parag Gupta organizes revision sessions and mock tests along the lines of the CA Inter exam format, thereby, increasing the students' confidence and enabling them to perform well in exam conditions. His teaching brings together theoretical concepts and practical uses, thereby, making learning fun and more useful for real-world situations. In conclusion, CA Parag Gupta's classes provide a systematic, supportive, and highly efficient path for CA Inter students hoping to master Costing.
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