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Creating and launching your website is only one part of the process. Your website needs support in order to continue growing and serving your users well.

Refreshing your monthly website packages is a great way to boost its online presence. It can include everything from updating for clarity to weaving in new resources.


Ever since the COVID-19 pandemic began, businesses have been struggling to connect with their online audience. With more people staying indoors, limiting their social engagements, and shutting down their businesses, many are turning to their digital channels for their only way of connecting with the public during this difficult time. Search engine optimisation is one of the most effective ways to grow your brand’s visibility and attract more customers online. With monthly SEO, you can boost your website’s ranking and see real results that help you connect with a wider online audience.

A strong monthly SEO strategy has many benefits, including:


A solid online presence is a business’s best friend. It enables you to get in front of your target audience whenever they’re looking for what you have to offer.

Your website, local listings, social media accounts, and paid search ads are all components of your online presence. You need to be able to be found in each of these channels in order to drive customers to your business and increase brand awareness.

The way to do that is through content marketing. You can create blog posts and videos about your products or services, but it’s important to remember that the content you share on each channel should be different for each. For example, a blog post about your upcoming product launch might have a different tone than one about the importance of customer service.

Paid search ads are also a great way to boost your online presence, especially when your SEO isn’t quite up to par. By targeting relevant keywords and running ads on platforms like Google and Facebook, you can reach the audiences that are most likely to be interested in your business. Be sure to include those keywords in your ad copy, image file names, meta description, and title tag for maximum effectiveness. This also allows you to optimize your ad budget by only spending on ads that are performing well.

Social Media

Whether you sell in your brick-and-mortar storefront, online or both, you need a website. More than 70% of consumers research businesses and brands online before visiting them or purchasing from them. If you don’t have a website, or if the one you have is outdated and inaccessible, people will go to your competitors. In fact, 56% of consumers say they won’t consider a business without a website.

Social media is an essential component of your online presence because it helps to build brand loyalty and customer retention by letting you connect with customers on their terms. It is also an excellent tool for marketing your business, as it has the ability to reach a broad and targeted audience at a very affordable cost.

It’s important to dedicate time to managing your online presence on a weekly basis. This can include writing a blog post for your website, responding to reviews on Google or Facebook, or creating a new ad campaign on Google Adwords. Many of these strategies take a while to drive results, and it is important to have a dedicated block of time set aside for managing your online presence.


Aside from content, a big component of your online presence is what other people say about you. Whether you get listed on local directories like Google My Business and Yelp or you are reviewed by customers on social media, it all counts. Often, the best way to improve your reputation is not with one-off campaigns but through a continual approach that focuses on your customer experience. 

Evaluating your digital marketing strategies is a behind-the-scenes tactic that gives you a clear picture of what’s working and what needs to be tweaked. By making data-driven optimizations, you can take your online presence to the next level and drive more traffic, leads, and sales.