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Call centres are busy places where agents need to know a lot and think on their feet. That's why teams are always looking for ways to make their work more productive.

When things are running smoothly, calls get processed quickly, outcomes are better, and customers are happier. But when productivity is low, both employees and customers end up feeling dissatisfied. 

In this article, we'll talk about call centre agent productivity and share five simple strategies to help your agents do even better. 

So, let's get started!

What does productivity mean in business?

Employee productivity is like measuring how much work a person does in a certain time. It's about comparing the output they produce to the time it takes to finish a job. 

Basically, it helps figure out how effective someone is at their work during a specific period. Measuring employee productivity is an important step in calculating the return on investment (ROI) of your daily work. 

How to Measure Productivity

Figuring out how productive your team is doesn't have to be complicated. Especially in call centres, where there are some key things you can look at, and you can use helpful tools like task management software, call monitoring system, To-do list app, screen recording software, note-taking system and more to make it even easier. Let's break it down:

  1. Work Quality:

  • Did the employee treat customers well?
  • Did they understand what the customer needed?
  • How quickly did they respond?
  • A good caller feedback system can give you all these answers and more.
  1. Hours Worked:

  • For those paid by the hour, this one's common.
  • You look at the time they spent working, usually combined with other things like how many calls they answered.
  1. Goals Achieved:

  • Start your year, month, or week by setting goals.
  • In call centres, goals often come as call quotas – a target for the number of calls to handle in a specific time.
  1. Amount of Task Done:

  • Simple, right? Just check how many tasks they completed in a set time.
  • It could be calls handled or cases resolved, depending on what matters most to you.
  1. Average Handling Time (AHT):

  • Call centres' special metric. AHT tells you how long, on average, it takes to handle one customer call.
  • It includes taking notes, tagging cases, and making sure things get resolved.
  1. First Contact Resolution (FCR):

  • A big one for productivity. FCR is about solving a customer's issue on the very first call.
  • It might take some time, but it's a super effective way to keep everyone happy.

These measures help you see how well your team is doing. Whether it's providing great service, hitting goals, or swiftly resolving issues, these metrics have you covered!

5 Ways to Make Agents More Productive

  • Benchmark Your Top Performers

Benchmarking top performers is like shining a light on the stars of your team. It helps set the standard for the kind of productivity and work ethic you want from all your employees. Here's why it's a game-changer:

  • Get the Big Picture:

    Executives can see exactly how their business and employees are doing by looking at these top performers' metrics. It's like having a roadmap for success.

  • Optimize Strategies:

    Businesses get valuable information and tools to make their strategies super efficient across all areas. It's about fine-tuning and making everything work better.

  • Motivation Booster:

    Over time, employees may feel too comfortable in their roles, leading to a slump in performance. Benchmarking shakes things up, giving them a fresh drive to do their best.

  • Insights for Improvement:

    The insights from benchmarking aren't just for show. They guide you in identifying areas where training can make a real difference in business productivity.

  • Quality Training Matters:

    Investing in a top-notch training program is like giving your agents superpowers. It not only enhances their abilities but also fills in any knowledge gaps.

  • Create a Positive Work Environment

Employee burnout is a real issue in many workplaces, causing lower productivity, emotional exhaustion, and even health problems. Here's how managers can make a difference:

  • Prioritize Agent Health:

    Managers need to focus on the well-being of call agents. Encouraging regular breaks and having clear policies for handling tough calls is a good start. Consider offering well-being perks, like letting employees leave early after a challenging day.

  • Build a Supportive Atmosphere:

    Regular team activities, such as weekly lunches or team-building events, create a positive atmosphere. Agents can connect, share experiences, and reduce burnout cases.

  • Enhance the Workspace:

    It's not just about the tasks; the workspace matters too. Invest in quality lighting and plants to brighten up the office. A pleasant environment directly impacts an employee's mindset and, in turn, their productivity.

  • Monitor Without Micromanaging:

    Employee monitoring can help track working hours, providing data for evaluations. But remember, it's not about micromanaging. Employees appreciate trust and freedom. The software also aids in calculating active and idle hours, which is crucial for hourly workers.

  • Involve your agents in decision-making

To create a more engaged and dedicated team, involve your agents in decision-making. Here's how you can achieve this and foster a positive work environment:

  • Opportunities for Participation:

    Provide chances for agents to participate in decision-making processes. Cultivate an atmosphere where agents feel their role contributes to the overall success of the company.

  • Feedback and Quality Assurance:

    Ask for agent feedback and involve them in the quality assurance process. Make them a part of every aspect of call centre operations.

  • Access to Productivity Data:

    Grant agents access to their Key Performance Indicators (KPI). It empowers them to enhance their performance by promptly identifying areas for improvement. Utilize time-tracking software to streamline KPI tracking.

  • Self-Evaluation and Progress:

    Encourage agents to take charge of their development by giving them self-evaluation access to performance data. It builds a stronger connection and dedication to the company.

  • Mentorship Opportunities:

    Offer formal mentorship programs to strengthen relationships and promote open communication. This involvement from experienced professionals shows a commitment to shaping careers and creating growth opportunities.

  • Boost Morale with Incentives and Recognition

Using incentives and rewards to increase productivity in call centres isn't just about making employees feel good, it's a powerful way to boost engagement, leading to various benefits for the organization, such as higher productivity and better retention.

Here's how to make it work:

  • Recognition Matters:

    Agents who feel recognized are motivated to do better. Whether it's meeting call quotas, solving a tough case, or receiving exceptional customer feedback, acknowledgement goes a long way.

  • Tailor Rewards to Your Culture:

    Every company has its unique culture, so your reward system should match that. Align it with your employees' interests and your company goals. Appreciate actions that support your objectives.

  • Beyond Money:

    Incentives don't always have to be about money. Think creatively—tickets to events, sponsored courses, or a lunch at their favourite  restaurant can be fantastic motivators.

  • Celebrate Small Wins:

    Don't just focus on big achievements. Regularly acknowledge both minor and major accomplishments. Showing your team that you value their efforts, no matter how small, fosters a sense of appreciation.

  • Encourage hybrid and remote working 

Call centre agents no longer need to be tied to a central office for optimal productivity. Consider the following to enhance flexibility and productivity:

  • Remote Work Is the Norm:

    Thanks to technology, working from home is now a standard and effective practice in many workplaces, including call centres. It builds trust and allows agents to make the most of their time.

  • Hybrid Work Model:

    Opt for a hybrid workforce, allowing employees to split their time between remote work and office-based work. This provides flexibility and caters to various preferences.

  • Benefits for Both Sides:

    Offering remote and hybrid options benefits both employees and company leaders. It builds trust, maximizes productivity, and allows access to a broader talent pool. It also saves on office-related expenses.

  • Cost Savings:

    Companies can save significantly by renting smaller offices and tapping into a global talent pool. Reduced office-related expenses include supplies, utilities, and other costs.

  • Enhanced Productivity and Job Satisfaction:

    Remote work minimizes distractions and eliminates daily commutes, leading to a calmer and more focused work environment. It, in turn, boosts job satisfaction and overall productivity.

Wrapping Up

To sum it up, making call centres more productive isn't just about numbers, it's about creating a smooth process, keeping customers happy, and improving the overall success of the business. 

Call centre managers play a crucial role, and they can achieve this by being creative with incentives, providing growth opportunities, and involving agents in decision-making. The way the workplace is structured, whether in-person or virtual, matters too. 

Giving options for remote or hybrid work can significantly enhance productivity. By putting these ideas into action, call centres of all types can see a real improvement in how they work a win for customers and the company's success.


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