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 You know you'll get the hang of it over time I've heard some people like use tablets too for me like it would be pretty pointless at this point because I am just good enough with the mouse I think I don't think using a tablet bootleg tees would improve Things much but if you have a tablet lying around or you have access to one try using that too because you might find that that actually works better for you you know I want everyone to just use whatever is best you know I just just want what's best for you guys all right so we've got our shape cut out I'm going to select both these layers and hit command G to group them together and then I'm gonna duplicate the group right away hitting command.

Best Ever Bootleg T-Shirts

J so that's basically so that we'll always have this you know with the layers intact we can go back and for some reason we lock up later we can just revert back to the original so with this new group right away I'm going to right click on it and convert to a smart object and we're about to get into the coloring of this image so the first thing you want to do is make sure it's mostly black and white if you still have like a lot of these gray values in it it's just not gonna color correctly so I'm gonna go to image adjustments brightness contrast make sure legacy is checked and I'm just gonna increase the contrast lower the brightness again increase the contrast a bit and just sort of eyeball it until you know you can have a little bit of that gray left in there.

Vintage Casual Style makes This Bootleg tee Unique and Stylish

That's fine but it should be mostly like black and white to get the best effect in my opinion so that's pretty decent right there now from here we can get into the coloring so this is a part I really want you guys to pay attention to because this is something that I wish I had done in the first video and it's gonna save you a ton of headaches in it in the future doing this style so we're going to use this as a multiply layer so first things first duplicate the object and the the object on the bottom double click it and do a color vintage bootleg tee soverlay of white on it okay so I know it looks a little weird right now but trust me then right-click on it and go to rasterize layer style now on this top layer change vintage bootleg tees the blend mode to multiply so basically what this is going to allow us to do is just paint freely on this and add colors vintage bootleg tees and we won't have to worry about accidentally mixing colors that's something that I feel like such  an idiot for not doing in the first place like I think I realized it like a couple weeks later that I should have done this method for that but you'll see exactly why I don't try to explain it in the process so let's add a new layer and this new layer is gonna be what what we're gonna start our painting with and right away take these two layers the you know the photo layer that's got multiply and then our new coloring later layer later layer and right click on them with them both with both then highlight it and go to create


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