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Bovine serum albumin is frequently employed as a protein supplement in cell culture media, and leftover bovine serum albumin in some formulations has caused detrimental effects on occasion. Itching and urticaria are the most common symptoms. After the bone marrow cells were maintained in bovine serum albumin, an allergic reaction was reported in a patient having bone marrow transplantation.

Increased demand for animal-free albumin products is likely to be a major factor impeding the growth of the worldwide Bovine serum albumin market. For researchers concerned about the experimental variables generated by the use of reagents containing trace animal components and mammalian pathogens, animal-free proteins or recombinant proteins provide an alternative to bovine serum albumin (BSA). As a result, the acceptance of alternative goods such as recombinant proteins over BSA is likely to stifle market expansion in the coming years.

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