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Your Story Counseling offers individual, couples and family trauma and therapy counseling for a variety of needs

I would like to share my article for Emerging Artist Wellness, which provides content and resources for the mental health of students, recent graduates, and/or practicing artists.

Confrontation and competition are part of an artist's daily life. With time and experience, many people learn to manage and adapt, even finding ways to use rejection and competition to help fuel and launch their business.

But fatigue is not a story.

In the world of therapy, a specific condition, burnout, refers to the effects of chronic stress and the inability to manage it successfully. Fatigue is not just a term for budding artists. It has become a culture and a lifestyle that is necessary for success.

On April 19, 2021, I sat down with Ruth-Anne Yiu, a member of the Emerging Artist Wellbeing Group, to learn more about what this phenomenon means from an artist's perspective. Many dynamics were revealed and discussed in our insightful conversation. In this post, I'll share some of what I learned from the exchange and offer some tips and strategies that I hope will help emerging artists better recognize and manage burnout.

Innovation and competition

In our modern capitalist world, nothing is more valuable than time. Honesty has become a measure of hard work and dedication. In the world of artists, working with bones is not only common, but has become a point of pride.

Appreciating talent, unfortunately it has become a measure of how much a person is willing to sacrifice for art. Stress is almost a necessity in the world of budding artists. It takes hours of dedication and dedication to become an expert in this field. However, we do not measure our pride in progress, but instead measure our accomplishments, even our satisfaction, by pain.

We measure our pride by refusing invitations to play and socialize in painful delays until our fingers bleed and develop until we have perfected a note or a verse or a work of art. the body must achieve the goal…. which list is on? If you've been working on something you're passionate about, regardless of field, you've probably made some of these decisions. While there is nothing wrong with this scenario, repeated decisions to make such sacrifices will lead to burnout and eventual death of the passion that made these sacrifices worth it in the first place. If you choose to sacrifice and ignore your basic needs to achieve what you consider successful, you will lose your ability to love what you do, no matter how much you have to suffer and your pride.

Contact us- 416-473-3333

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Email – Info@yourstorycounselling.com










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