A charcoal burner is an essential piece of equipment for anyone who smokes hookah. The right choice will improve the quality of your smoke and make it more enjoyable. You can find many different designs and colors available, but all of them have a few things in common: they are portable, easy to use, and do not take up much space on your table or desk.
The first step to buying a charcoal burner is to decide what size you want.
The first step to buying a charcoal burner is deciding what size you want. The size of the burner depends on how many people you want to smoke with, how big your hookah is and how much time you are going to spend smoking.
If you plan on smoking with more than one person at a time or if your hookah has multiple hoses then it's best to get an extra large burner that can hold enough fuel for everyone's session. An extra large burner will also be good if there are long periods between sessions since they hold their heat better than smaller models so there will be less waiting around between sessions while they cool down again!
The next step is to decide whether you want a round or square burner.
The next step is to decide whether you want a round or square burner. The round model is easier to use, but the square one is more stable and better for large hookahs.
A single person can easily use both types of burners–just place them in front of you on the floor or table and light them up! If you're using multiple hookahs at once though (or want more stability), go with the square variety as it will hold up better under heavy use.
If you are smoking with friends, you may want two burners so that everyone can smoke at the same time.
If you are smoking with friends, you may want two burners so that everyone can smoke at the same time.
If you are using multiple hookahs and a single burner, make sure to place them in a line or close enough together that they will all be lit by your charcoal burner. If your setup is too far apart, each individual hookah will require its own heat source–which means more work for you!
If one person is smoking from multiple pipes (for example, one pipe for tobacco and another for fruit), then it's best to have a separate coal box for each type of tobacco/fruit so all of them stay hot at once. This way nothing gets cold while waiting its turn on top of the coals
Charcoal burners come in many different designs, colors and materials.
Charcoal burners come in many different designs, colors and materials. Some are made of stone, some are made of metal and some are made of wood. Some have a flat top while others have a slanted top.
Choosing the right charcoal burner is important if you are going to be spending time smoking hookah.
Choosing the right charcoal burner is important if you are going to be spending time smoking hookah. It's important to choose a burner that fits your needs and preferences, as well as one that will last for years of use. You also want to make sure that the charcoal burner is easy to clean and use so that every session with friends can be enjoyable.
Charcoal burners come in all shapes, sizes, colors and materials–and they're not all created equal! In this article we'll go over some of the most popular styles of hookah coal burners on today's market so you can get an idea of what might work best for your own personal needs before making a purchase decision based on what we've written here today (and trust us: there's plenty more info where this came from!).
We hope that this article has given you some ideas about what kind of charcoal burner to buy. If you are looking for something simple, then we recommend going with the round or square burners because they are easy to use and will not take up too much space in your home. However if you want something more elaborate then there are plenty of options available on our website Happy Trail!