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IP is important in the internet world because it helps to transfer information between devices and enables the connection between devices. You will need to buy IP if you are going to start any business related to the internet. Below are some things you need to prepare before buying the IP:
1. The total number of IP addresses needed
Make sure you have calculated the total products or clients you are going to serve then have a total number of IPv4 address. This is because the buying process of IPv4 address is long, if you need extra IP address later, it may take additional month,
2. Confirm your budget
The price of IPv4 address is different because the different buyers will offer different prices or you may negotiate with them to lower the price. It will be faster for you if you let the buyer know your budget earlier and stay away from the higher price to save time. In the other hand, you can share your budget with IPv4 broker. IPv4 broker will help you to find the buyers in their connection or through the IPv4 market, they specialize in the buying and selling of IP address and will work faster than you.