1. Health

Buy Romsons Feeding Bag – Surginatal

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A feeding bag also known as an enteral feeding bag or nutrition bag, is a medical device used to administer liquid nutrition or medications directly into the gastrointestinal tract. It is commonly used for patients who are unable to eat or swallow normally and require enteral feeding. Feeding bags typically consist of a bag or container made of sterile and biocompatible materials, such as PVC or polyethylene. The bag is equipped with a port for connecting to a feeding tube or administration set. The bag may also have additional features like a hanging loop or an integrated hanger for easy suspension. The feeding bag is usually filled with the prescribed liquid nutrition formula or medication, and it is connected to a feeding tube or extension set that is inserted into the patient's gastrointestinal tract. The administration of the contents is controlled either by gravity or by using a pump, depending on the specific requirements of the patient.


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