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Buy Soma Muscle Relaxer is used short-term to treat muscle pain and works as a relaxer.It is usually used along with rest, physical therapy, and other treatments. It works by helping to relax the muscles.Soma should only be used for short periods (up to two or three weeks) because there is no evidence of its effectiveness in long term use and most skeletal muscle injuries are generally of short duration.

How to take Buy Soma Muscle Relaxer?

Take Soma specifically because it was prescribed for you. Follow all directions on your prescription label and skim all medication guides or instruction sheets.

Carisoprodol is also addictive. Misuse will cause addiction, overdose, or death. marketing or giving freely this medication is against the law.

Soma is typically taken three times per day and at time of day. Follow your doctor's dosing directions terribly rigorously.


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