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If you’re putting together a home gym, a thorough understanding of the machines you often see in commercial gyms will help you choose workout equipment that’s right for you. If you love using weight training machines, you’ve probably used a cable crossover. Here’s what you need to know about the machine and why it may be the best addition to your home.

What is a Cable Crossover?

A cable crossover makes it easy to do weight and functional training with a single piece of equipment. A cable crossover machine has a sturdy frame, often made of steel, and has weight stacks on both sides. It utilizes cables you can pull in numerous directions, which is why the cable crossover is known for its versatility and flexibility. Given the many combinations you can do with the cables alone, you can exercise and focus on specific muscles. That’s hard to achieve with other exercise machines. 

What Muscles Can I Focus On? 

With a cable crossover, you can do a wide range of exercises. The machine allows you to isolate specific muscles, so your training becomes more efficient, and you’ll see results faster. In addition, isolating the muscles you want to work on allows you to quickly determine which areas require more focus. Once you start working out with the machine, it’ll be easier to see your abdominals, triceps, deltoids, pectorals, and biceps improve. If you want to target those areas, getting a cable crossover for your home gym is wise. You can work on your triceps or bicep muscles with just one cable.

How Do You Use the Cable Crossover? 

Start with the load you can handle. Set the weights on low, and once you adjust, you can increase the weight. Don’t set it to a heavy load right from the start. The good thing about the cable crossover, is that even if you set it to a heavy load, once you let go, the cables just spring back into position. That’s different from when you use regular weights. If you let go, those weights could fall on your feet and injure you. You won’t have to worry about that happening with a cable crossover. 

What Do You Adjust with the Machine? 

  • You can adjust the weight by changing the weight of the stacks. 
  • You can adjust the cable position or height. 
  • You can also change the grips or handles you use. Switch from triceps ropes to mini grip pull bars, stirrups, and more. With so many options to explore, you won’t have to worry you’ll get bored with the exercises. 

What are High and Low Cable Crossovers? 

There’s little difference between low and high cable crossovers. The direction of the cables is the only thing that changes since that affects the area that you will focus on during your exercise. Low cable crossovers position the cable at the lowest point, while high cable crossovers position it at the highest point. That allows you to work on your upper or lower body strength.


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