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Camping Gear You’ll Actually Use: The Self-Inflating Mattress

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You can't camp without a sleeping bag, but you can't sleep in a sleeping bag if your body is too warm. This is why the self-inflating mattress is so popular with campers and backpackers. They're comfortable, compact, and lightweight — and they can be used for other purposes besides sleeping.

How does a self-inflating mattress work?

A self-inflating mattress uses air chambers to inflate itself when you lie on it. These air chambers are usually located in the middle of the mattress, but they're not always there. If you have a queen-sized mattress and want two full-size beds, more than one chamber will be needed to achieve the same effect as one large mattress that's been blown up like an air mattress.

You'll find different combinations of chambers in different models of self-inflating mattress, but the basic principle is always the same: When you lie down on it and press down on the top surface, the air is pumped into the chambers underneath until they're full of air (or almost full). Then, when you get up or move around, additional air flows into those same chambers from somewhere else — usually from underneath where all of your body weight presses down on them.

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