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Can Brain Supplements Help You to Overcome Depression?

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Exercising, eating right, and engaging your mind are vital for a healthy and well-functioning brain. But how do you hit the gym when just getting out of bed seems like a tedious task? Even cooking or doing your favorite work seems overly ambitious for someone struggling with depression. 

In this hurly-burly lifestyle, depression is a common condition, and approximately 1 in 4 people experience a mental health problem each year. The World Health Organization rates depression as the leading cause of disease burden in high-income countries. 

Of course, mood can fluctuate, and an individual’s perspective experience is unique and dependent on various factors, including external and internal factors like physiological processes such as fluctuations in hormones, neurotransmitters, and nutrient availability. No single mechanism is responsible for all the clinical variations in depression manifestation.  

Cause and symptoms of Depression 

Many factors may cause depression, emotional breakdown, sadness, loneliness, and other factors, including biochemical or psychological issues. There might be a trigger such as stress, trauma, grief, job loss, or relationship breakup. If you are experiencing a low mood or unusual tiredness, consult a doctor to get proper medication. 

It is very natural to have mood changes, especially in emotionally challenging moments. Symptoms you feel include guilt, issue in concentration, loss of energy, fatigue, thoughts of suicide, loss or increase of appetite and weight, self-harming, disturbed sleep pattern, anxiety, or agitation. 

History of supplements for depression 

How did people overcome depression in the olden times as modern medicine has come a long way from thousands of years ago? The answer is that the people at that time used complementary and alternative medicine.  

Earlier, Chinese medical practitioners used nutritional therapy, herbs, and mind-relaxing exercises to cure people suffering from mental illnesses or disorders.  

In the late 18th century, European doctors used homeopathy medicines that were made of plants, animals, and minerals as medicine. Indian doctors followed the Ayurveda treatments that were compounds of herbs and minerals.  

But, nowadays, supplements for depression helped our distant ancestors overcome dark periods in their lives. Complementary and alternative medicine can improve a person’s mental health naturally.   

Supplements that help to cure depression 

Vitamin B 

Ample evidence proves that vitamin B helps boost the effectiveness of antidepressants. B vitamins control and produce essential chemicals in your brain that impact depression and mood regulation. Some studies claim that folate [B9], B12, and B6, are necessary to produce and regulate neurotransmitters like serotonin, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), and dopamine. 

In some studies, deficiencies in these vitamins may increase the risk of depression and that “treatment with folate or vitamin B12 reduces depression scale scores, increases remission, and prevents the people with adverse symptoms of depression. 

Amino Acid 

It is considered that the thousands of molecules in your body are built from only eight crucial amino acids that our body obtains from our diet. Amino acids, also called the building blocks of protein, are transformed into neurotransmitters in our bodies. Your brain can’t work without adequate amino acids, and you get sluggish, foggy, unfocused, and depressed. 

If we are under stress, either psychologically or physically, tryptophan can be converted to quinolinic acid instead of serotonin. Quinolinic acid is a neurotoxin that correlates with increased depressive symptoms in some individuals. Studies have found a link between lower levels of tryptophan affecting some people with depression.  

Omega-3 Fatty acid 

The polyunsaturated fatty acids EPA and DHA are essential for proper brain functioning. Combined in roughly equal amounts, Omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA are the main ingredients in fish oil. These fatty acids are found in mackerel, seabass, oysters, flaxseed, flax oil, walnuts, and other foods. Omega-3 supplements are the best treatment and may help reduce inflammation associated with depression and depressive symptoms in people who have bipolar disorder. 


Selenium is an element that is vital for overall human health and is especially important for brain function. Several sources have suggested a link between selenium deficiencies and depression. Some additional research studies have indicated that selenium protects against oxidative stress, endoplasmic reticulum stress, and inflammation within the brain. The sources of selenium are nuts, whole grain, beans, seafood, and lean meat. 


Zinc is a natural and essential trace element that plays a critical role in axonal and synaptic transmission in brain channels and is necessary for nucleic acid metabolism, brain tubulin growth, and phosphorylation.  

Zinc increases serotonin levels by elevating levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in the areas of the brain that control emotions. It can modulate synapses and is also vital to cognitive function; a proper dosage of Zinc supplements helps to improve the symptoms of ADHD. 

A zinc deficiency has impaired DNA, RNA, and protein synthesis in brain development. It can also affect short-term memory more than long-term memory. Zinc elements also have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that help to cure many mental disorders. 


Depression is the most common and disturbing mental health issue that affects millions of people worldwide these days. Although brain problems like brain fog and depression are typically cured with correct medication and therapy, some people want dietary modifications or supplements to slow down their symptoms. Research has shown that supplements can be effective for managing symptoms of depression. 

Battling mental illness is a lifelong commitment. But the fight can be more manageable over time with the correct medication, supplements, and diet. You, of course will need to consult with your physician before making any dietary changes. At BIPRI, we use the power of the best supplements for depression plus formal treatment to manage mental illness. Contact us today at 615-933-5188 now if you need proper guidance.



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