1. Pets

Can Dogs Eat Cherries? Here’s Everything You Need to Know!

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Dogs have long been fascinated by human food and have been known to devour stuff they aren’t permitted to.

When it comes to whether or not our dogs can eat fruits, it’s a hit-or-miss proposition. While some foods are acceptable for our dogs to eat, others can cause everything from stomach irritation to death.

Fruits are typically thought of as a healthful snack by humans, but dog owners are well aware that some fruits, such as grapes, are harmful to dogs. 

There are various safe foods that your little Doggo can safely eat, but then comes the other group of fruits that can harm them more than anything else. 

Foods like pineapples and bananas are perfectly safe from our furry friend, when administered and provided in moderation, but What about Cherries, though? 

We all love the sweet taste of those yummy cherries, and can even eat the entire pack at once due to their light weight. As dog parents, most of us have a habit of sharing whatever we are eating with our little furry friend. But can dogs eat cherries?

Hopefully, you are here after looking at that sad little puppy face that there are making while you gulp on those cherries. 

You suddenly wonder, should I let my doggo eat a cherry or two and suddenly find you on the internet looking for possible side effects. If that is the case, read on to find everything you must know about serving cherries to your dog.

Can Dogs Eat Cherries?

Cherries are a delightful summer treat that are high in vitamins A and C, fiber, antioxidants, and melatonin. Are these tasty, nutritious fruits, however, safe to share with our pets?

Is it Possible for Dogs to Eat Cherries?

The quick answer is no, but the situation is a bit more complicated than it seems. Here we will explain why this summer fruit is bad for dogs.

While many summer fruits are healthful, pleasant, and safe to eat with our four-legged companions. Cherries do contain some beneficial elements but can do more harm than good in dogs.

A cherry’s flesh is safe for dogs to consume. Cherries are high in vitamins A and C, as well as fiber and antioxidants, all of which are beneficial to dogs. Unfortunately, the cherry flesh has the potential to upset your stomach.

What is Worse is that cyanide is present in the cherry pit, stem, and leaves. If taken in big enough numbers, this is hazardous to dogs.

Cyanide is harmful to both pets and people, and it can be fatal if taken in high amounts. While dogs can eat raw cherries in limited amounts, they must be well-prepared to ensure that all pits, stems, and leaves are removed.

Although cyanide poisoning is seldom caused by a single cherry pit and stem, there’s no reason to take the chance. In addition, ingesting the pits can cause a blockage in the intestine.

The dangers of eating pitted cherries: The cherry pits are another factor to consider.

Cherry pits are indigestible, which means they won’t break down in your dog’s stomach. Cherry pits can cause a clog in your dog’s intestines if consumed whole.

This is particularly common in small dogs or when multiple pits are consumed. 

However, if your dog swallows anything entirely, you should seek medical guidance from your veterinarian. Regardless of their size or the amount eaten, you should keep a watchful eye on them for the following symptoms:

  • Acting lethargic or unwell are signs to look out for.
  • Experiencing diarrhea or constipation
  • Constraint in passing stools.
  • Dry heaving and retching
  • A loss of appetite or a lack of desire to eat.



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