1. Pets

Can Humans Get Salmonellosis From Cats

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Salmonellosis is an infection caused by the bacteria Salmonella. It can be transmitted to humans through contact with infected animals or contaminated food or water. Cats can carry Salmonella and transmit the bacteria to humans, although it is less common than in other animals such as birds or reptiles.

There are a few ways that humans can get salmonellosis from cats:

  • Handling fees: Handling faeces from an infected cat, especially if you do not wash your hands properly afterwards, can transmit the bacteria to humans.
  • Handling infected objects: Salmonella can survive on surfaces and objects for some time. If you handle objects that an infected cat has come into contact with, such as their food bowl or litter box, you may be at risk of infection.
  • Direct contact: If you have direct contact with an infected cat, such as by petting or handling them, you may be at risk of infection.

To reduce the risk of getting salmonellosis from cats, it is important to wash your hands thoroughly after handling the cat or any objects they may have come into contact with, and to keep their litter box clean. If you are at increased risk of infection, such as if you have a compromised immune system or are pregnant, it may be best to avoid handling the cat's feces or litter box. If you have any concerns about salmonellosis, it is important to consult with a healthcare provider.

Take a proactive approach to your pet’s health with regular health and wellness checks at your veterinary clinic Ada, MI.


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