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Can you prevent dry eyes? Hear what experts has to say about dry eyes.

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Did you blink today?

How many times?

Lies! You have been staring at this screen for so long you forgot to blink!

Do you know about dry eyes?

What is dry eye?

Dry eye is a fairly common condition that can happen when your tears cannot provide enough lubrication for your eyes. There are many reasons as to why your tears are not adequate for your eyes.

When we blink, a thin film of tears spreads over our eyes, keeping our eyes smooth and clear. Yes, you might have gathered, tear film is plenty important for our vision.

What is this tear film made of?

It is made of an oily layer, a watery layer, and a mucus layer. 

The outermost layer is the Oily layer which makes the tear surface smooth; it also keeps the tears from drying up too quickly. Meiboman glands produce these tears.

This layer is followed by the middle Watery layer which cleans the eye thereby washing our eyes to flush out any unwanted particles there. This layer is made from the lacrimal glands located in the eyelids.

Then, there is an innermost layer which helps spread the layer over eye’s surface, helps keeping it moist. Mucus is the reason why tears stick to the eye. This clear tissue covers the white of your eye and inside your eyelids.

It is our eye’s defense mechanism to secrete tears, but when the tears are not enough, we end up with dry eyes.

Are there any symptoms for dry eyes?

  • Stinging and burning sensation in eyes.
  • Blurred vision, especially at night.
  • Itchy feeling like there is some particle in your eye.
  • Eyes may appear red or irritated. You can feel it especially if you have been near smoke or facing wind.
  • Painful to wear lenses.
  • Loads of tears.

Expert Ophthalmologists suggest it’s high time you visit them if you experience these symptoms.

Dry often happens because there is some problem with the glands.

What causes dry eyes?

People in general secrete fewer tears as they get older, thanks to hormones, irrespective of gender. However, it is more prominent among women. 

Common reasons include

  • Anti-anxiety medications
  • Medical conditions
  • Hormone therapies
  • Any damage to glands in eyes
  • Blockage in tear ducts
  • Extended computer usage
  • Poor/unhealthy diet
  • Exposure to environmental conditions such as smoke

Usually, persons who are above 50 years of age are more prone to dry eyes than the younger counterparts. Please add in women who are prone to hormone fluctuations which in turn can lead to dry eyes.

Can dry eyes heal on their own?

Ophthalmologists mention that this condition can either be temporary or chronic. They further add that if the condition happen due to external factors such as foreign particles or smoke, the symptoms would usually go away on their own. However, if the condition sets in due to damages with glands, it is highly recommended that you seek professional help.

If left untreated, dry eyes can lead to other complications such as conjunctivitis or even worse, damage to cornea.

Treatment options:

There are several non surgical options available such as

  • Warm compress 
  • Eye drops
  • Eyelid wipes
  • Punctal plugs and other customized options.

Please note that these options should not be performed on their own without supervision from a medical professional.

Can dry eyes be prevented?

Our ophthalmologists say that it can be. Once you identify the trigger, it is pretty easy to treat or prevent the occurrence.

Adding to that,

  • Please wear protective glasses outdoors
  • Avoid exposure to smoke
  • Drink plenty water
  • Have plenty and quality sleep
  • Be conscious of how much time you spend in front of digital gadgets

With this month observing “Gift of Vision”, be kind to your eyes. Now more than ever because you were able to read up to here. But there are many others who couldn’t.


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