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Most cases of eye strain could be caused by long periods of looking at anything without blinking.  That dry feeling in your eyes can result from this.  The eye strain that you get when you look at computer screens is not different from any other strain such as the one caused by reading or driving for hours.  If you sit close to vents that blow cold or hot hair onto your face could also cause your eyes to dry out faster.

Incorrect prescription lenses could cause blurry vision, increasing the feeling of strained eyes.  Visual discomfort could also result from working in environments that are not bright enough or too bright.

Poor posture when performing tasks could also trigger back, neck, and shoulder pain, adding to the discomfort felt, leading to some people thinking it is eye strain.

Minimizing eye strain due to extended computer use means having to take some steps, such as using humidifiers close to your work area, use of artificial tears, and adjusting the computer screen in a way where you view it at a slightly downward angle.

Also, try utilizing the 20-20-20 rule.  For every twenty minutes of working on a screen, shift your view to something about twenty feet away, and keep it there for about twenty seconds.

You will benefit from regular eye checks at your ophthalmologist Los Angeles, CA. Click here to know more about their services.


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