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Whenever it comes to writing something, it is always a challenging task to do for students. While writing a task, students face major and minor problems, so to overcome them, they get essay help from online experts who provide a proper guide to develop an excellent essay for students. Firstly, let's learn about the top significant challenges students face while writing an essay with solutions. 

Top Major Essay Writing Problems Students Deal With

Knowing about the problems students deal with is vital, but the most important thing is how to overcome or solve those problems. This article will teach you about all those challenges and their solutions. Let's start with the first major problem in writing a paper.

Lack of Confidence

It is the most common problem students have to face cause it showcases the inability to believe in self-capabilities and skills. Lack of confidence makes students think that their writing could be better, and they discover trouble starting their paper, doubting their capability to complete it. Students lacking confidence end up not submitting their essays and accepting that they will get low or failing grades.

What to do: There are various ways students can improve their writing to build confidence, like practising writing daily and asking for assistance from their teachers.

Insufficient Knowledge

Students find difficulties writing an essay about a particular topic in academics. The reason is that students need to gain proper knowledge about the matter. However, this can be caused by the student failing to write notes and not attending lectures. Not searching for information and facts about the topic also helps them to understand the theme and have better knowledge.

What to do: Students must put extra time and effort into their studies. Conducting extra research to understand the essay topic. 

Lack of Writing Skill

However, some students are self-assured about their writing and have enough ideas to write their essays. However, students can only submit an impressive essay if they have language ability. Using incorrect words, grammar mistakes, and punctuation leads your paper to poor results. 

What to do: To overcome this, students can use simple words and construct short and sweet sentences to get good grades on their papers. Students also need to make a habit of reading daily. It is an excellent exercise to avoid writing mistakes. They can also get help from UK essay platform experts if they need help polishing their papers.

Time Management

The common problem students face is managing their time according to the day. Some think that at the last minute, they will do their work and submit it on time. Not doing work on time makes their essay look poor and bad quality. Thus, this happens cause they might be in a hurry and submit the work like a rough one.

What to do: Plan your day; this will help you in your paper to go accordingly. Making a timetable and following it will help you in better research, so your analysis of the problems will get stronger. Thus, this will also help you set your paper and come back with a better perspective, which means you can revise the work more successfully.


Writing a 100% plagiarism paper is a challenging task to do. In a hurry to submit work, many students copy other published papers. They think it is their last option to save themself and use plagiarism. Students must learn that plagiarism can be severe trouble if found in their essays.

What to do: Always confirm that there is only 5% plagiarism in your essay. Use quotes and citations whenever necessary to avoid punishments for copying other people's published work. 

Poor Editing and Proof Reading

Sometimes, people find their writing work hard to proofread and edit. They think it is a time waste and question themselves why there is a need to proofread work and why they edit their paper.

What to do: Read your work aloud; this way, you will find mistakes like grammar or where your sentences are not fitting. You can also use the UK essay services platform to proofread or edit your paper.

These are some of the major problem that students face while writing their essay. In the upcoming section, you will read some of the major mistakes.

Other Minor Writing Problem Students May Face

Students are constantly under pressure to produce high-quality work for their grades. However, students lead their work to low quality and less effective due to lack of confidence, plagiarism, and time management. 

Even with these problems, there are many hurdles that students face.

Use of Passive Voice 

Using passive voice can lead to uncertainty by not identifying the author of the action, potentially confusing the readers. Practice writing in an active voice every day. Whether it is a personal journal or an essay, make it a point to use active voice only.

No Connection Between Evidence and Claim

Sometimes, you may find difficulties in proving how the evidence supports your claim in the essay. Build a bridge between your evidence and your argument through examples like facts and stats.

Not Seeking Feedback

Not seeking help or feedback will make your essay less effective. To avoid it, always go to your teachers or mentor; they will help you find mistakes in your paper and tell you where to improve.

Inaccurate Citation

Citations could be more time-consuming and clearer regarding several formats and guidelines. Students use citations, but if they are in improper format, then there is no use for them to cite. Take some time to identify the correct citation format according to your paper and practice it regularly to get handy with it.

Unclear conclusion

The conclusion came in the last section, where you explain the importance of your essay topic and research findings in this section. Many students must pay more attention to this step and make a better impression on their readers and teachers.

Fear of Failure

Many students cannot write their papers in academic life due to fear of failure. Thus, this is an ordinary problem in every chapter of life. Fasten your belt, identify your flaws, and improve your writing skills. 


So, these are the major and minor problems students encounter in writing an essay. Always remember that you must remember that writing a paper only comes naturally to some people. If you get stuck in the writing recipe, identify the problem and follow the tips, or you can get essay help to get correct guidance from professors. 
