Find the right prospects and prioritize your strategies to high-profile leads through AverickMedia's targeted investors email list . You get access to precisely the data your business requires to grow beyond its limits.
Can I send emails to contacts of investors I just purchased?
We understand your target prospects and categorize them according to similarities based on our analysis of their purchase histories. You can use relevant prospect information, including the full name, contact number, and website URL, to send useful and engaging email messages. We update the database every 45 days with the latest details to ensure your messages do not cause hard bounces and affect your domain reputation.
Will your list of investors be useful to me?
Email deliverability: 85-90%
No resale policy on customized lists
100% permission-passed contacts
High-quality repeat clientele
16k+ authentic data sources
We pair prompt data delivery with easily downloadable and CRM-friendly files to increase your campaign efficiency. Your prospects are busy people, and we provide their valid contact details so that you can remind them about your brand with regular communications. Buy our privacy-compliant investors email address and increase your global brand recognition.