1. Business

Chequered Plates Manufacturer And Their Uses

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About Chequered Plate

Chequered Plate, also known as checker plate and tread plate is a type of metal stock with a regular pattern of raised chequered s or lines on one side, with the reverse side being featureless. chequered  plates are usually steel, stainless steel or aluminium. Steel types are normally made by hot rolling, although modern manufacturers also make a raised and pressed chequered  design.

The added texture reduces the risk of slipping, making chequered  plate a solution for stairs, catwalks, walkways, and ramps in industrial settings. Its non-skid properties mean that chequered  plate is frequently used on the interior of ambulances and on the footplates of firetrucks. Additional applications include truck beds and trailer floors.

chequered  plates can also be used decoratively, particularly highly polished aluminium variants. Manufactured in plastic, chequered  plate is marketed as an interlocking tile system to be installed on garage floors, trailers, and exercise rooms.

chequered  plates may be used for surface protection against damage from foot traffic or harmful chemicals. Manufactured with polymer variants, interlocking chequered  plate tile is used in areas with high surface-erosive traffic.