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When deciding which window treatment to choose, faux wood blinds and wood blinds offer similar products, but they differ in appearance and performance. Each option has its benefits and drawbacks, and the choice may depend on the preferences of residents in New Jersey, who have to cope with rather unpredictable weather. 

This guide will assist you in comparing faux wood blinds and wood blinds in NJ, their advantages, and appropriateness for your home.

Faux Wood Blinds: The Long-Lasting And Low-Cost Solution

Benefits of Faux Wood Blinds In NJ Homes

Cost-Effective: Faux wooden blinds are cheaper than those made from actual wood and can be considered a good option when the owner has a limited budget.

Durability: They are made of PVC, vinyl, or composite wood, which makes them hard-wearing and resistant to water, warping, and cracking. 

Low Maintenance: These blinds are easy to clean and maintain. They can be easily cleaned by washing with a damp cloth and hence are considered to be a low-profile window treatment solution.

Versatility In Design: Faux wood blinds come in different colors and textures that mimic real wooden blinds. It allows the homeowner to achieve the desired outlook without necessarily having to compromise on the utility. 

Eco-Friendly Options: Some faux wood blinds in NJ are made from recycled material, which makes them an environmentally friendly choice with an added advantage. 

Wood Blinds: The Classy And Ageless Choice 

Classic Beauty: Wood blinds can be used in any type of home design, from more classic and old-fashioned to modern and minimalist. Wood is warm in nature and has natural grain patterns, giving any place a classic touch.

Durability: Real wooden blinds, particularly those made from maple or cherry, are very durable and can easily last for more than twenty years if properly maintained. It also holds less to warping and bending than some of the other fake wood products out on the market.

Insulation: Wood is a good insulator of heat and therefore helps to regulate the temperatures in the room. This is especially helpful in New Jersey where you get to experience both summer and winter and their extreme temperatures. With wooden blinds, you can prevent the sun’s rays from heating your home in summer and retain heat in winter, saving you money on energy bills.

Things To Consider With Wood Blinds In NJ

Maintenance: Wood blinds are more sensitive to changes in climate than faux wood blinds. They require frequent dusting and moderate wiping with a wet cloth occasionally and should be oiled timely. 

Susceptibility To Sun Damage: Wood blinds can also be affected by direct sunlight, which causes fading. If you have large windows that face south and get a lot of direct sunlight, go for faux wood blinds.

Cost: Real wood blinds are costlier than faux wood blinds and the difference increases as the size of the window increases.


Every material has its unique characteristics and uses. In the same way, Faux wood blinds and wood blinds in NJ have different advantages that can make your home more comfortable and attractive. No matter what you choose between the cost-friendly look of faux wood blinds and the classic appeal of wooden blinds, it will be a valuable and beautiful addition to your home!