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Choosing Between FUE and FUT: Which Hair Transplant Method Is Right for You?

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Thinning hair and baldness is a major problem worldwide, especially among men. Male-pattern baldness can often set in by the age of 30 and progressively worsen. Fortunately, hair transplant procedures have achieved very high success rates. Follicular unit excision (FUE) and follicular unit transplantation (FUT) are two common types of hair transplant surgery. Both surgical procedures are effective in restoring your hairline. However, you should know the fue fut difference. It will help you to choose the best method of hair transplantation.

FUE and FUT Hair Transplant Methods Explained

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE): In this method, the hair transplant surgeon first shaves the scalp of the patient. He then extracts the hair graft follicles individually from the back and sides of the head. The method of extraction does not scar the scalp. It is helpful for people who want to wear shorter hairstyles. The doctor implants the hair grafts individually in the identified recipient area.

Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT): In this method the surgeon removes a strip of the scalp containing the hair follicles from the sides or back of the head. He then dissects the strip using high-powered microscopes to get individual hair follicles. The surgeon then transplants these follicles in the recipient area. The main issue with this technique is the sutures used to stitch the donor area leaves behind a visible and unsightly scar. It can bother people wanting to wear a shorter hairstyle.

Fue vs. Fut Hair Transplant – Which Will Work Better For You

FUE: The biggest advantage is the procedure does not leave behind any visible scars in the donor area. It makes it possible for patients to wear shorter hairstyles. The recovery time for FUE is shorter due to the minimally invasive surgical procedure. As a result, patients also experience little to no pain after the surgery.

The cons of FUE include more chances of damage to the grafts, especially when done by less skilled surgeons. Higher graft damage also results in a slightly reduced rate of growth. You should also know that the number of hair grafts that can be extracted over your lifetime is less in FUE. Also remember the doctor will shave the back and sides of your head for better extraction of the hair follicles. Lastly, a fue vs. fut cost comparison will reveal FUE to be significantly more expensive.

FUT: The process allows the surgeon to harvest more hair grafts in a single session. It means the total time taken for the procedure is less, making is less expensive. When you compare hair restoration fue vs. fut, you will discover FUT is simpler and has a better success rate. The surgeon will shave only the donor area, allowing you to retain your existing hairstyle.

However, patients will need to deal with more extensive scarring that may make shorter hairstyles unviable. You may experience more discomfort or pain after the procedure.


Both FUT and FUE are highly effective procedures for hair loss. There is no single method that is the best for you. However, it can help to know the pros and cons of each procedure. Your transplant surgeon is the best person to advice on what will work the best for you.


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