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Choosing the Best Hair Transplant Clinic in Pune.

Thinning of hair and hair loss are the common problems in both men and women. People often try a variety of treatments and remedies to reduce hair fall and repair bald patches. 

Sometimes, it is in their genes, and due to medication side effects, a normal hair fall results in baldness. Thus, people with severe hair loss problems often consider a hair transplant the ultimate option. Although it comes with several complexities, hair transplantation is safe if it is in the right hands. Take help from a Dermatologist Online Consultation if you have doubts about the results. 

Hair transplantation is a surgical procedure wherein an expert dermatologist or a plastic surgeon takes out your healthy hair follicles and plants them on the areas with bald patches. Hair transplant procedures include grafting, flap surgery, scalp reduction, and tissue expansion. 

There are many hair transplant clinics in India but choosing the right one is a task. Based on the following factors, you can choose the best hair transplant clinic- 

1. Availability of Free Consultation

You may have been experiencing severe hair fall, but are you eligible for a hair transplant? There are various conditions for the right candidate for a hair transplant. The ideal candidate for a hair transplant is a healthy individual who has realistic expectations from such a treatment. You must also have healthy, thick hair left in some areas of your scalp. Moreover, you must understand if you are left with a choice other than a transplant. The bald patches or thinning hair could also result from post-partum alopecia, consumption of certain medications, or excessive stress. Sometimes even hard water or water containing heavy metals can cause severe hair fall. Only a good consultant dermatologist can guide you so that you can decide whether you should undergo a hair transplant treatment. Make sure the clinic you are choosing offers the best Online Skin Doctor Consultation for free.  

2. Check the Licensing

A hair transplant can be done anywhere at a hospital or a clinic. However, you need to check whether the Government has licensed their medical practices. Many illegal medical centres are emerging, claiming them to be registered healthcare providers. Ensure you go through their history, clientele, and doctors before undergoing treatment there. Going to an unlicensed place for your hair transplant may put you at potential risk, cause you excessive expenditure, and leave you with dissatisfactory results. 

3. Know Your Doctor

Knowing your doctor is extremely important for choosing a hair transplant treatment. The doctors’ expertise, skills, and, most importantly, knowledge are the basic traits of a dermatologist that performs hair transplantation on you. Every medical centre has a website where e-brochures are available for you to understand the clinic’s basic facilities and the serviceable medical practitioners. You get to know the educational qualification and professional experience of the doctors in the clinic. Ensure the practising doctors are qualified from accredited medical institutions.  

4. Request for the Layout of the Procedures they have Planned for You

Proper planning is needed to execute the hair transplant successfully. The doctors at the hair transplant centre provide you with a systematic treatment plan beforehand to have an idea of the procedures that the doctors will perform on you. It prepares you for the transplant day so that you don’t find yourself in a place you did not expect. With proper planning, there are more chances of success, and the execution time is minimized. The medical team essentially plans the following to perform surgery on you-  

  • Results you can expect from the procedure
  • The place where the grafts of the follicles will be implanted
  • The number of grafts required in your case
  • How long will it take for the surgery
  • What is the recovery process, and what should you expect.  

Skin Specialist Online Consultation before the surgery is necessary for the doctor to know your medical history, health condition, current medications, and other issues. These are important for the dermatologist to plan a treatment procedure for you. Your recovery speed also depends on these factors.  

5. The History of the Clinic

The best way to know if a clinic is best for you is to go by its history. In the internet era, even the minute details of a medical centre are found online, including any past news related to them. Check out the experience of the patients who have undergone the same procedures from the clinic before. Look out for testimonials of real clients on the web to know the bests and the worsts of a specific clinic. Also, check out the real before and after images shared by real people.  

To conclude, a hair transplant is for a lifetime, and it costs a lot. So, make sure you take your decision with utmost clarity and sincerity.



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