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The Chopta Chandrashila trek is a mystical journey through the enchanting landscapes of Uttarakhand. Nestled amidst the majestic Himalayas, this trek takes you on an adventure filled with breathtaking views, serene lakes, and ancient temples. It is a perfect getaway for adventurous souls seeking to explore the unseen beauty of nature.

Trek Highlights

The Chopta Chandrashila trek offers a multitude of highlights that make it a must-visit destination for nature enthusiasts. Here are some of the key highlights:

  1. Highest Shiva temple: The trek takes you to the highest Shiva temple, Tungnath, which holds immense religious significance for Hindus.
  2. Panoramic Himalayan views: From the summit of Chandrashila, you can witness the awe-inspiring beauty of the Himalayan peaks, including Kedar and Chaukhamba.
  3. Rhododendron blooms: During the spring and summer seasons, the trails are adorned with vibrant pink, mauve, and white rhododendron trees, creating a picturesque setting.
  4. Lakeside picnics: The trek offers opportunities to indulge in lakeside picnics, allowing you to relax and immerse yourself in the tranquility of the surroundings.
  5. Interaction with locals: Explore the charming village of Chopta and interact with the locals to get a glimpse into their lifestyle, culture, and heritage.

Trek Overview

The Chopta Chandrashila trek is a beginner-friendly trek that offers a perfect blend of natural beauty and spiritual experiences. The journey begins from Rishikesh and takes you through the picturesque towns of Sari and Chopta. The trek to Chandrashila summit, situated at an altitude of 12,083 ft, offers mesmerizing views of the surrounding peaks.

The trek is spread over 4 days, covering a distance of approximately 16 km. It is a moderate trek, suitable for beginners who are physically fit. Throughout the trek, you will be accompanied by experienced guides who will ensure your safety and provide valuable insights about the region.

Difficulty Level of the Trek

The Chopta Chandrashila trek is rated as a moderate trek on the difficulty scale. It is suitable for beginners who have a basic level of fitness and are prepared for the challenges that come with high-altitude treks.

The trek involves gradual ascents and descents, with some steep sections between Tungnath and Chandrashila Top. The effects of altitude can pose challenges, such as difficulty in breathing, mild headaches, and loss of appetite. However, with proper preparation and acclimatization, these challenges can be overcome.

The Trails of Chopta Chandrashila

The Chopta Chandrashila trek offers a diverse range of landscapes, making it a visually captivating experience. The trail takes you through dense pine forests, meadows carpeted with colorful flowers, and snow-covered slopes.

The trek starts from Chopta and follows a well-defined path. The initial part of the trail is relatively easy, with gradual ascents. As you approach Tungnath, the terrain becomes steeper, and you will encounter snow and ice patches. Caution is required while navigating these sections, as they can be slippery.

Challenges of the Trek

While the Chopta Chandrashila trek is suitable for beginners, it does come with its own set of challenges. Here are some challenges you may encounter during the trek:

  1. Altitude effects: The trek involves gaining significant elevation, which can lead to altitude-related symptoms such as difficulty in breathing and headaches. It is important to acclimatize properly and take necessary precautions to prevent altitude sickness.
  2. Long distances: Some days of the trek require covering long distances, which can be physically demanding, especially for those who are not accustomed to walking for extended periods. It is advisable to engage in regular physical exercise before the trek to build stamina.
  3. Slippery slopes: The stretch between Baniya Kund and Chandrashila is steep and often covered with snow. Some sections may freeze over, making them slippery. It is essential to exercise caution while traversing these slopes and follow the footsteps of your trek leader.
  4. Unpredictable weather: The weather in the Himalayas is known for its unpredictability. Sudden changes in weather, including snowfall and strong winds, can occur even during the summer months. It is important to pack appropriate clothing and be prepared for varying weather conditions.

Essential Gear for the Trek

While most technical equipment such as tents, sleeping bags, and snow boots will be provided by the trek organizers, there are some essential gear items you should carry for your own comfort and safety. Here are a few items to include in your trekking gear:

  1. Sturdy backpack: Choose a lightweight backpack that fits comfortably on your back and distributes the weight evenly. It should have enough storage capacity to carry your essentials.
  2. Trekking shoes: Invest in a pair of high-ankle waterproof trekking shoes with sturdy soles. They provide better support and grip, reducing the risk of injuries on uneven terrains.
  3. Layered clothing: Opt for warm, lightweight clothing that can be layered. This allows you to adjust your clothing according to the changing weather conditions. Pack thermals, fleece jackets, and waterproof outerwear.
  4. Sunglasses: Protect your eyes from the bright sunlight and snow glare with a good pair of sunglasses. Look for sunglasses with UV protection to shield your eyes from harmful rays.

Skills Required for the Trek

The Chopta Chandrashila trek is suitable for beginners, but having some basic trekking skills can enhance your overall experience. Here are a few skills that can come in handy during the trek:

  1. Ascending and descending on trails: Learn the proper techniques for ascending and descending on uneven trails. This will help you navigate steep sections and reduce the risk of injuries.
  2. Packing your backpack: Efficiently pack your backpack to ensure easy access to your essentials and maintain a comfortable weight distribution. Organize your gear in separate compartments to stay organized throughout the trek.
  3. Pitching a tent: Familiarize yourself with the process of pitching a tent. This skill will be useful during camping stops along the trek.
  4. Layering clothing: Understand the concept of layering clothing to adapt to changing weather conditions. Learn how to add or remove layers to regulate your body temperature effectively.
  5. Understanding equipment: Familiarize yourself with basic mountaineering equipment such as trekking poles, gaiters, and microspikes. Learn how to use them properly to enhance your safety and stability on snow-covered slopes.

How to Reach Chopta?

Chopta is the base camp for the Chopta Chandrashila trek and can be reached from various cities. Here are the different modes of transportation to reach Chopta:

By Air: The nearest major airport to Chopta is Jolly Grant Airport in Dehradun. From Dehradun, you can hire a taxi or take a bus to reach Chopta.

By Train: The nearest railway station to Chopta is Haridwar. From Haridwar, you can hire a taxi or take a bus to reach Chopta.

By Bus: Regular bus services are available from cities like Delhi, Rishikesh, and Haridwar to reach Chopta. You can also hire a private cab or taxi for a more comfortable journey.

By Road: Chopta is well-connected by road, and you can reach there by driving from nearby cities. The major highways that connect to Chopta are NH 58 and NH 72A.

Safety Precautions and Guidelines

While embarking on the Chopta Chandrashila trek, it is important to follow certain safety precautions and guidelines to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience:

  1. Acclimatization: Take time to acclimatize to the high altitudes. Ascend gradually and give your body time to adjust to the changing environment.
  2. Hydration: Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the trek. Dehydration can worsen the effects of high altitude.
  3. Follow the trek leader: Listen to the instructions of your trek leader and follow their guidance. They are experienced and have knowledge of the trek route.
  4. Weather updates: Stay updated with weather forecasts and be prepared for any changes in weather conditions. Carry appropriate clothing and gear accordingly.
  5. Leave no trace: Respect the environment and leave no trace of your presence. Dispose of waste properly and avoid littering.


The Chopta Chandrashila trek is a mesmerizing journey that combines natural beauty with spiritual experiences. It offers a perfect blend of adventure and tranquility, making it an ideal trek for beginners. By following the safety precautions and guidelines, you can embark on this trek with confidence and create unforgettable memories amidst the breathtaking landscapes of Uttarakhand. So, pack your bags, lace up your trekking shoes, and get ready to unravel the mysteries of Chopta Chandrashila!

“The mountains are calling and I must go.” – John Muir

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