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You're curled up on the couch, clutching a heating pad, and wondering if it's possible to overdose on that yellow pill (Maftal Spas).

Chronic pelvic pain during menstruation is like having a stubborn houseguest who refuses to leave after the party's over. It's a persistent ache, a stabbing sensation, a gnawing discomfort that lingers long before and after Aunt Flo has bid her adieu.


What does Chronic Pelvic Pain look like?

For many individuals, the journey with chronic pelvic pain starts innocently enough. Maybe it's a twinge here, a cramp there, dismissed as “normal” period woes.

However, the pain gets worse over time and becomes an enduring companion that refuses to be ignored. Simple tasks grow into Herculean feats, and the prospect of your date arriving chills the spine.

Navigating chronic pelvic pain during menstruation is no small feat. It's missed days of work, cancelled plans, and tear-stained pillows. It's the silent struggle waged behind closed doors, the battles fought with gritted teeth and clenched fists. 


Also Read:  Period Bloating – A Comprehensive Guide


What do Doctors Have to Say?

Armed with heating pads and painkillers, at first, you try to fix the problem on your own with every home remedy you find on the internet but when the pain becomes unbearable you have to visit a doctor half-heartedly.

Even doctors don’t satisfy you, his office turns into a rotating door of experts, each with their own theories and predictions. Diagnoses such as endometriosis, adenomyosis, and pelvic inflammatory disease make your world spin. Yet, a definitive solution is still out of reach for a lot of people.


How To Get Relief from Chronic Pelvic Pain

While chronic pelvic pain during menstruation can be complex and may require medical treatment, there are some quick fixes or temporary relief strategies that you can try to lessen the discomfort.

  1. Heat therapy: Applying a heating pad or hot water bottle to the lower abdomen can help relax muscles and alleviate pelvic pain. Heat increases blood flow to the area, reducing tension and discomfort.
  2. Gentle exercise: Engaging in low-impact exercises such as walking, swimming, or yoga can help improve circulation, reduce muscle tension, and reduce pelvic pain. Avoid high-impact activities that may worsen discomfort.
  3. Relaxation techniques: Practicing relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or guided imagery can help reduce stress, promote muscle relaxation, and diminish pelvic pain. Set aside time each day to engage in these activities and prioritize self-care.


  1. Dietary adjustments: Some individuals find that certain dietary changes, such as reducing caffeine, alcohol, and processed foods, and increasing intake of hydrating fluids, fruits, vegetables, and anti-inflammatory foods, may help alleviate pelvic pain and discomfort during menstruation.
  2. Pelvic floor exercises: Strengthening the muscles of the pelvic floor through exercises such as Kegels may help improve pelvic muscle tone and support, reducing pelvic pain and discomfort.
  3. Herbal remedies: Some herbal supplements or teas, such as chamomile, ginger, or peppermint tea, may have anti-inflammatory or muscle-relaxing properties that can help alleviate pelvic pain.
  4. Stress management: Stress can exacerbate pelvic pain and discomfort, so it's important to find healthy ways to manage it. Engage in activities that help you relax and unwind, such as spending time in nature, practising mindfulness, or enjoying hobbies and interests.


Sit Back, Relax and Unwind

I know it's easier said than done, but embracing self-compassion, accepting vulnerability, and letting go of control over the tides of menstruation will make you feel lighter in your head and your lower abdomen.

Even in the face of difficulties, there is always a way out and in chronic pelvic pain it's the encouragement of family and friends, the affirmation of a kind medical professional, and the companionship of other warriors in virtual communities that keep you sane throughout those difficult days.


Finding Peace in The Midst of Chaos

Google Baba is filled with hundreds of solutions for Menstrual discomfort. Drink this, apply this, eat this, avoid this, and what not! What worked best for me with the stress and discomfort of periods was making a switch to Qnix Period Underwear.

You ask how? I say in every possible way!

It has the added superpowers of super absorbent period underwear, is soft to your vulnerable skin and keeps you worry-free which might lead to stress thereby increasing the agony of periods. It valiantly resists the crimson tide by providing comfort and long hours of protection.

So, make a switch and make your periods go easier on you with Qnix Period Underwear. Cheers to stain-free periods!


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