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If you have suffered an injury in a trip or slip on a road or pavement, you may be entitled to claim compensation. Typically, claims for this kind of accident will include both general and special damages. General damages relate to your physical and mental pain and suffering. They can also cover the loss of income if you missed work due to your injuries.


Photographs can prove invaluable when it comes to making a claim for compensation after you’ve been injured as a result of an accident. They can help you recoup losses, such as medical bills and lost wages, and also show the extent of damage that has been caused to your property.

For example, if you have a car accident and cut your leg, it’s important to take photos of the injury, so that you can prove that it happened during the accident. This will help you claim more compensation for the long-term consequences of the injury, including loss of function.

When it comes to tripping and falling accidents on roads or pavements, photographs can be vitally important as they can show the size of any defect in the surface. It is essential to show that the defect was more than one inch high or deep, as this is a condition that must be shown in order for a claim to be successful.

It’s also important to make sure that you take photographs of any other witnesses who were present during the accident. This will ensure that you can have their details recorded and will allow your solicitor to contact them later on if they need to speak to them about the incident.

You may also want to take photos of any road signs or other items that are damaged or broken during the incident. These could be useful if you are filing a claim against a road authority.

In tripping and falling claims, it’s crucial to prove that the area where the accident took place was in a state of disrepair at the time of the accident. This is particularly relevant if the pavement was not properly maintained or inspected by the local authority at regular intervals.

Once you have identified who had responsibility for maintaining the area where the accident occurred, you should then take photographs of any defects in the road or pavement that you found. These can include anything from potholes to damaged paving slabs.

You should also be able to show that the defect was there for a long period of time before your accident. This is essential as it will be a clear evidence that the defect was left in the area by the responsible authority, and that they did not adequately inspect or maintain it.

Medical records

Medical records can play a huge part in helping you make a successful claim for compensation. They can be used to help prove your injuries and what caused them. In addition, they can also show if you are entitled to damages for your pain and suffering.

When making a claim, you need to have accurate and detailed medical records. These will need to include details about what happened during the accident and how you were treated by your doctor.

Fortunately, these records can often be obtained by your lawyer, which can make it much easier to win your case and get the compensation you deserve. These records will include medical reports, medical bills, and letters from the hospital to support your case.

The first thing that a medical record needs to have is identifying information, such as your name and date of birth. This information will allow your solicitor to get in touch with the right people to discuss your injury and to confirm that you are eligible for a claim.

You can get a copy of your medical records from the hospital that you were treated at, or from the NHS. However, it is worth bearing in mind that some hospitals have strict policies on how long they keep these records.

Another important aspect of your medical record is any notes that your doctor has made about your condition. These can help provide valuable evidence in a court of law and are likely to be more reliable than memory alone.

For example, specific notes from your doctor about what he said to you after your injury can speak volumes about the severity of your injury and what it means for you. These details can be useful in showing the other side that your claim is genuine and that you are a serious case.

As a result, it is important to obtain your medical records as soon as possible after your injury. This will ensure that your claim is not statute-barred and that you have all the evidence that you need to win your case.

Visit Website: https://www.united-solicitors.co.uk/road-traffic-accident-claims


Injuries caused by tripping on roads or pavements can be very painful and in some cases, they may lead to long term disability. The good news is that if you have suffered an injury due to a road or pavement accident, you could be entitled to compensation.

The first thing you need to do is find out whose fault the accident was. Most likely, the responsible party is the council or local authority responsible for the area of pavement where you were injured.

Once you have found out who was liable for your accident, you need to contact them as soon as possible and ask for a Statement of Liability. This will give you a better idea of how much compensation you can expect to receive in the future.

Another key part of a successful claim is to obtain witness evidence. This includes names and details of anyone who was present when the accident occurred, including any other people or objects that could have contributed to your injuries.

You should also seek medical treatment after the accident to make sure you do not develop any further complications from your injuries. This will help to ensure that your injuries are recorded in your medical records and will be useful in a claim for compensation.

Finally, you should make a note of where the accident took place and when it happened. This is because these details can become lost with the passage of time.

If you have been injured in a slip, trip or fall accident on a road or pavement, our specialist personal injury solicitors can help. Our experienced team can assess your injury, determine liability and work out the best way to get you the compensation you deserve.

Expert legal advice

If you have been injured in an accident due to the design, construction or maintenance of roads or pavements you may be able to claim compensation for your injuries. This can be a difficult process, and it is often best to use the services of a legal expert who has experience in dealing with road accident claims.

You should get the advice of an experienced personal injury lawyer as soon as possible. This will ensure that all evidence is gathered as quickly as possible, which will make it easier for the solicitor to determine what happened and what you are entitled to.

The first thing your lawyer will do is take photographs of the area where the accident took place. This will help to identify the defect and will allow them to see if there are any previous complaints made about the condition of the pavement.

They will also check the authority’s maintenance schedule to find out if they have been repairing the roads and pavements correctly. They will then be able to determine whether the council was responsible for repairing any defects in the road or pavement that caused your accident.

A local authority owes a duty of care to their citizens and should therefore be liable for any accidents that happen on its road or pavements. They are required to carry out regular inspections of their streets and paths, and if any defects are discovered they should be repaired immediately.

If you are unsure which authorities are responsible for maintaining roads and pavements, your lawyer will be able to advise you. They will then be able to investigate the case further by looking at council records and by accessing reports that have been made about the pavement you tripped over.

Your lawyer will also be able to assess the value of your claim for compensation for injuries caused by pavements or roads. They will be able to help you identify what types of damages are recoverable, including medical costs, travel expenses and loss of earnings.

You can claim for your injuries up to three years after the date of the accident, but this time limit does not apply for children and people who are under eighteen or who have been diagnosed with a disability. If you are not able to bring your claim within three years of the accident, you could be unable to pursue it and the matter would have to be referred to court.



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