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Laundry is one of the most common daily chores in our homes. Homeowners depend on cloth dryers to dry their clothes. However, due to a lack of maintenance and annual inspection, your dryer accumulates lint and debris, blocking the vents. Consequently, the air circulation is limited, causing heat buildup and potential fire risk. Consulting with experts for annual inspections can go a long way. Similarly, maintaining your HVAC system with air duct cleaning in Lincoln is necessary.

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, indoor air quality ranks among the top 5 potential risks to human health. Additionally, National Fire Protection Association states that approximately 3,000 dryer fires are reported annually. Poor maintenance of your clothes dryer causes one-third of those fires.

Warning Signs of Clogger Dryer Vents

Longer Drying Time:

Due to buildup in your vent system will prevent airflow i.e., hot and moist air traps inside, leading to longer drying time. A quick call to an expert will solve the issue. Also, if your clothes are damp, it’s time for a professional dryer cleaning service.

Musty Smell:

A blocked dryer vent traps hot and moist air inside, creating a flourishing environment for mold growth. Mold growth can cause other damages, leading to expensive repairs.

Lint Buildup:

Although most homeowners remember to clean the lint tray after every use, ignoring the areas behind and under the washer and dryer can cause significant damage. These areas also accumulate lint and debris, causing blocked dryer vents.

Auto-shut Off:

If your dryer has an auto-shut-off feature, it will begin to act when there’s excess heat and moisture inside. This indicates potential clogging in your dryer vent.

Dangers of a Clogged Dryer Vent

House Fire:

Ignoring dryer vent cleaning can be hazardous for your house and family because of a house fire disaster.

Pest Infestation:

Pest infestation occurs when your duct hood flap does not close properly due to lint or debris buildup.

Higher Utility Bills:

Overheating can cause your appliance to work harder than normal, increasing your bills.


These warning signs indicate immediate cleaning service. Cleaning dryer vents is necessary to maintain your house and protect your family from fire hazards. Poor maintenance can lead to expensive repairs and other financial expenses. Hiring specialized people for the job is necessary for desired results. These experts clean inline UV lights to kill bacteria and inspect system humidifiers and high-efficiency filtration to improve indoor air quality. Regular dryer vent cleaning ensures the efficient working of your system and prevents untimely repairs and replacements.

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